This PET, developed by long-term Puppy Member @ETP, will add a Chrome Installer to your Menu>Internet of your PUP. (see Get Chrome PET install below)
It takes all of the guesswork out for successful addition of Chrome to your system. ... especially for WoofCE users.
The 2 things YOU must pay attention to is
Installation step
Upgrade step
Installation step
Here you install the 'Get Chrome' PET by clicking on it after you download it to add to your distro's menu.
Open the desktop's Menu to Menu>Internet>Get Latest Chrome and follow the guide's leadership. It will install the Chrome Browser operationally for you with no effort at all.
Upgrade step
You MUST use the Pup Package Manager to uninstall Chrome the browser (...NOT the Get Chrome PET.This, you want to always be there for use whenever you will upgrade) BEFORE ATTEMPTING AN UPGRADE!!!
Open the desktop's Menu to Menu>Internet>Get Latest Chrome and follow the guide's leadership
Enjoy its simple design.