Kernel 6.11 firmware rolldown (fallback) issue
I found that, unlike 6.10 & earlier kernels, 6.11 seems to require exact firmware versions, whereas previously the system would rolldown several versions to find one that works. i.e. my Lenovo Ideadpad Slim 1i, with wifi6-ax, in s15pup64-240717, uses
but in pre-6.11, any version would work, down to about
iwlwifi-QuZ-a0-hr-b0-48.ucode (I have v59 in my fdrv)
dmesg | grep iwlwifi
would show all the failed attempts till success. With 6.11, only v77 will work.
I see the DOTconfig option
which seems useful, but is not set by anyone.
The following link discusses, but I just don't understand it. ... nisms.html
I'm hesitant to try it in case of unforseen rare consequences.
Without a resolution, it means everyone who gets new kit will always have to chase down new firmware, so we'll get continual 'puppy won't run my pc ootb' complaints.