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SheepShaver (Mac_On_Linux)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 1:44 am
by clm1919

There's a Linux-newbie question hidden in this hastily written post....

So i've had some success with a pair of my chromebookks running linux with a few kids I tutor by putting some old DOS edutainment games and TuxMath and To make drilling their math a little less boring.

So, i decided to up the game and try out SheepShaver on Linux (I used it ages ago on windows)

SheepShaver_On_Puppy.webp (268.63 KiB) Viewed 317 times

If there's any interest, next time i get some time off, i could try to put together a tutorial on setting it up, if anyone is interested.

However I have a question: How do I set a file to "read-only" under puppy?

I confess i used Debian12/LXDE with the kids (handing an 8 year old root access....hmmm) but want to try to replicate the experiment on the puppy-side. While the software will run the disk image i just copied over, in order to do a "fresh install" the CD-ROM image has to be set to "read only". Is it possible to restrict ROOT in that way? (my linux noob-ness raises it's ugly head).

PS, sorry the picture is so poor - bad light, folded map tacked to cardboard

PPS - yes, that's the acer R11 with the "sticky keys" in tent mode being controlled from a windows laptop....student was 30 minutes late so i rushed this together.

Re: SheepShaver (Mac_On_Linux)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 2:06 am
by wizard


Try using XFE file manager
-right click file>Properties>Permissions
Un-check everything except "read"
click: Accept


Re: SheepShaver (Mac_On_Linux)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 3:41 pm
by mikeslr

You can do what wizard suggest with rox as file-manager. But your real question was how to keep 8 year olds from making a mess when Puppys run 'as root/administrator'. So that problem isn't application specific.
Read these posts: and Short version: Puppys system files are READ-ONLY with the exception of the User-Created SAVEFile/Folder. The latter is what holds 'changes' --settings, customizations, and user-installed applications. Only it can be changed, messed up. However, Puppys can be run by substituting a READ-ONLY adrv.sfs or ydrv.sfs for a SaveFile/Folder.

Read this thread nicOS-Utility-Suite, ... 983#p12983. Your Puppy may already have the Suite on Menu>Utilities. Even though 'nick' deleted the OP, it will give you some idea how to the application works. I posted a link to a slightly older version here, ... 14#p127314. Further information can be found on this thread,

The Save2SFS component of the Suite will 'capture' any changes. You can choose to create an adrv or a ydrv and whether or not it will include the contents of any pre-existing adrv or ydrv. Note, adrvs have priority over ydrvs: that is --like layering in graphic programs-- what is displayed/functioning is the top layer.

After reading those thread, don't hesitate to ask questions.