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Raspup downloads and release information

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:17 pm
by bigpup

Puppy Linux distribution for the Rasperry Pi!

Raspup downloads and release information

Downloads: ... pup-8.2.1/
There is a choice of sdcard images as well as an optional development sfs file image that contains compilers and development headers.
Kernel sources (and devx) are separate and available in the SFS Manager.

Additional release notes and errata:

Introducing Raspup Buster Puppy Linux distribution for the Rasperry Pi! Release Notes

Current version: Raspup-8.2.1
Minimum System Requirements

Raspberry Pi 1A

Raspup supports Raspberry Pi 1, Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 4 all from the one download.

pTheme global theme manager designed by zigbert(AKA Sigmund Berglund)
JWM-2.3.6 window manager from Joe Wing and Rox Filer updated by @woodenshoe-wi
Run internet apps as unprivileged user "spot", see Menu > System > Login and Security Manager and click the "Help" button.
shinobar's on the fly SFS loading and unloading - updated version
Well stocked package manager (PPM) with access to Raspbian repositories
SFS Manager for extra large packages including LibreOffice, browsers, full development environment (compilers, headers and assemblers) and kernel sources plus more.
A great suite of programs included by default including but not limited to, web browser (Midori), word processor (Abiword), spread sheet (Gnumeric), email client (Sylpheed), chat client (irrsi), image editor (mtpaint), video player (mplayer), audio/video processor (ffmpeg), music player (pMusic), audio editor (mhwaveedit), text editor (geany, nano, leafpad), ftp file transfer (gftp), file sharing clients and servers (ftp, samba), games, printing (cups) and even more!
Amazing size at ~371MB, which includes 3 kernels to support the different Pi versions.

Which file to download?

So which download is best? It all depends on your intention and skill level. has the base files in a FAT32 partition and an f2fs partition for storage - recommended for the pi 2, 3 and 4 has the base files in a FAT32 partition and an f2fs partition for storage plus a swap partition - recommended for pi 1 and Zero has the raw files that have to be installed to a formatted (micro)-sdcard - advanced linux users only - any pi board (note - not tested on compute module)


Disclaimer: No responsibility is accepted for any data loss or physical damage to your equipment.

Some of these instructions are courtesy of There are further instructions on that page which may be useful if you want to install Raspup from a Mac computer or an Android phone or tablet. (No Raspup won't run on your phone!)
Image zip file

Download Raspup image from the Downloads page and check the checksum.
Extract the image file from the downloaded .zip file, so you now have "raspup-XXXXXX.img".
Insert the SD card into your SD card reader and check what drive letter it was assigned. You can easily see the drive letter (for example G:) by looking in the left column of Windows Explorer. You can use the SD Card slot (if you have one) or a cheap Adapter in a USB slot.
Download the Win32DiskImager utility (it is also a zip file). You can run this from a USB drive.
Extract the executable from the zip file and run the Win32DiskImager utility; you may need to run the utility as Administrator! Right-click on the file, and select 'Run as Administrator'
Select the image file you extracted above.
Select the drive letter of the SD card in the device box. Be careful to select the correct drive; if you get the wrong one you can destroy your data on the computer's hard disk! If you are using an SD Card slot in your computer (if you have one) and can't see the drive in the Win32DiskImager window, try using a cheap Adapter in a USB slot.
Click Write and wait for the write to complete.
Exit the imager and eject the SD card.
You are now ready to plug the card into your Raspberry Pi.

In Windows, the SD card will appear only to have a fairly small size once written - about 512 MB. This is because most of the card has a partition that is formatted for the Linux operating system that the Raspberry Pi uses which is not visible in Windows. If you don't see this small directory with files such as kernel.img then the copy may not have worked correctly.

If running Ubuntu, Debian, Mint or another major linux distro then the simplest way to install is to use GUI tool like usbimagewriter (video) or etcher (video). Either one or poth should be in your distro's package manager.

The simplest way to install Raspup on the command line is to unzip the image zip archive directly to an sdcard.

Plug in micro-sdcard or sdcard into an adapter or if your computer has one, the sdcard slot.
Take note of the drive it is assigned to. Possibilities are /dev/sdc, dev/mmcblk0 or something similar. It is your responsibility to get this right. If you get it wrong then data loss could occur. You can find it out with fdisk, blkid CLI utilities or Gparted Partition manager. There are of course other ways, just use your favourite search engine to find out.
Once you have established the drive you can extract the zip image straight to it (requires cli utility unzip)
From the command line run as root or prefix the command with sudo:

unzip -p /path/to/raspup-(version) > /dev/MYDRIVE

"sync" ensures writing is finished, replace /path/to/ with the actual path and MYDRIVE with the actual drive! Note, that it does not go to a partition but the actual root of the drive
This may take a while, but once done you can remove the card, plug into the Pi and enjoy

If you have extracted the image zip file then you can use dd to transfer the image to the card.

Follow steps 1. and 2. above
Establish the drive as above
Run as root or prefix the command with sudo:

Code: Select all

dd bs=1M if=path/to/raspup-(version).img of=/dev/MYDRIVE

"sync" ensures writing is finished, replace /path/to/ with the actual path and MYDRIVE with the actual drive!
This may take a while, but once done you can remove the card, plug into the Pi and enjoy

Raw zip file

This is the same bunch of files that are in the image but have to be installed manually to card. You'll notice it does not have .img in it's file name.

The following instructions are for Linux only.


Grab sdcard or micro-sdcard (whatever fits your pi) and make 2 partitions, the first FAT32 of size 512MB, The second fills the rest of the card. Format that to ext2, ext3, ext4, f2fs, whichever.
Mount (as root, or sudo for Ubuntuers) the FIRST partition on the sdcard (FAT32) taking note of its mount point. It may be /mnt/sdc1 or /mnt/mmcblk0p1 or similar. It will be a 1
Go to the dir where you downloaded the zip file and run this:

ZIP=$(ls | grep -o raspup*zip|tail -1)
unzip $ZIP -d /mnt/MYMOUNTPOINT # this is the one you took note of earlier

If no errors occurred then unmount the card, remove from your card reader and poke it in the pi, power up and enjoy.


Grab a sdcard or micro-sdcard (whatever fits your pi) and make 2 partitions, the first FAT32 of size 650MB, The second fills the rest of the card. Format that to ext2, ext3, ext4, f2fs, whichever with Gparted Partition Manager.
Make a new directory where you downloaded the zip file and extract the files in there. Copy all the files with drag'n'drop to MOUNTED FIRST partition of the sdcard, being sure NOT to copy the zip file as well
Unmount the card, remove from your card reader and poke it in the pi, power up and enjoy.


Saving session - at the end of the first session you will be prompted to save your settings. You can either accept or reject this. If you reject then next bootup will be pristine as if nothing happened. If you accept you are asked where you want to save the session and given basic recommendations which is what you should accept for a smooth experience. At the next boot after this your save file name will appear in the boot menu. Select it and you will resume where you left off. At this resumption, there is a menu entry in the Setup menu called Set Default Boot Option. Choose your savefile name and on next boot you won't have to select it in the boot menu.
System time - in the setup menu there is a program called Psync. This synchronises with a time server of your choice and you are then given the option to save that for next bootup so that on system start time is synchronised with the server you selected. This is because raspberry pi has no hardware clock.
On shutting down after session save you can either save that session or not. You can even save it in the middle of a session. If you have installed packages and they don't work for example, don't remove them, just reboot without saving. On the oher hand, if you install packages that you need then certainly save the session at shutdown to preserve your changes. If you have everthing setup how you like and have it saved then there is no need to save the session unless you have downloaded important stuff. This is handy if you have done some heavy browsing and collect some nasty cookies; just shut down without saving.
If on first boot your screen is a bit too big or too small you can adjust it with the Pi Overscan or Underscan application in the Desktop menu. It's a bit trial and error but each increment is in pixels so you can have a reasonable guess on first go. This also fixes the console view as well and is persistent even if you don't save the session at first boot.

Improvements over 8.2.0

Bug fixed with resizing the card at first boot. This was seen in cards of 8GB or smaller size due to a miscalculation in the init script, causing it to error and cause a kernel panic
New raspberry pi 5.4.42 linux kernels patched with AUFS
Images are now 2GB so a smaller card can be used. The second filesystem is f2fs in both provided images.
Updates to support the Raspberry Pi 4 8GB version
A change of PUPMODE is now allowed in the boot GUI in the Menu → Setup → Set Default Boot Option. This means that you can save straight to disk if you want and can revert back to saving at the end of the session (or not) on the next boot. Some people like not saving, others prefer it to be automatic. Your choice.
All the latest updates from upstream, formerly known as "Raspbian" but now known as "Raspberry Pi OS"

Known Issues

Some newer hardware may not work. Unfortunately, most device drivers are proprietary and closed source. This requires reverse engineering of the driver or writing new drivers from scratch, often without OEM support. The kernel developers do a fantastic job of this however it takes time. Therefore the latest and greatest hardware may not have a driver to allow it to function correctly. We apologise for this but certainly make no apology for rogue manufacturers.
Sometimes correct screen resolution does not work. There are work arounds here and here
Unprivileged user Finn is experimental. At first shutdown you are offered to save as Administrator or Finn. Please choose Administrator unless you are feeling adventurous. You can read more about Administrator or root in the Puppy Help. Just click Menu > Help and browse the page that opens.
A useful way to help stabilise wireless connection is to switch off power management. This is acheived by adding an entry to the "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" file.
In a terminal emulator (similar to a DOS prompt) found either in the menu or as the "Console" desktop icon, type:
echo "iwconfig wlan0 power off" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
Another way is suggested here as the above fails for some.
If you experience no sound although there are no apparent errors you need to configure sound in alsamixer or retrovol. You may need to use the MultipleSoundCardWizard. New Multiple-Sound-Card-Wizard has been improved.
If you get a "kernel panic" error at boot please test the checksum of your download
If your system fails to create a pupsave, an alternative save program is located in PPM, called pupsaveconfig. Try that.
WARNING: Puppy is addictive!


"OS" - operating system such as Puppy Linux (Raspup in our case) Ubuntu or Microsoft Windows.
"frugal" - the recommended way to install Puppy Linux where the OS uses a layered filesystem see How Puppy Works.
"PPM" - Puppy Package Manager - the place to download apps
"BIOS" - Basic Input/Output System - A program that runs before your computer boots to enable certain settings for your computer, usually started by pressing a special key on the keyboard, this could be Delete, Esc, TAB or some other key.
"FAT32" - A DOS (Windows) filesystem - also known a vfat
"ext4" - A Linux filesystem - related to ext2 and ext3
"f2fs" - New Flash Friendly File System developed for Linux by Samsung
"swap" - Swapping is the process where a page of memory is copied to the preconfigured space on the disk, called swap space


Raspup is coordinated by me, Mick Amadio, (01micko on the puppy forum) but it could not be possible with out some fantastic contributors.

A big thanks to woodenshoe-wi who pioneered Raspup Stretch (unreleased) of which Raspup Buster is a direct descendant.

In no particular order these are the testers and contributors of Raspup Buster mostly from the Puppy Forum:

Dud, proebler, Smithy, Lobster, josejp2424, dancytron, aristos, lp-dolittle, keniv, Brown Mouse, bigpup, Sage, spotted, zigbert, Olle, lizardidi, Polivko, don570, linux28, tony, FeodorF, step, rockedge, ggv94, MattN, jamesbond, baldronicus and of course BarryK

Also many thanks to the Woof-CE team.


The latest Midori browser is included for browsing the internet. If you don't like Midori there is a choice of other browsers from the Puppy Package Manager and the SFS Manager. Once you have saved a Puppy session, you have the choice to download the "devx", which is the Puppy compiling environment comprising of gcc, the GNU C compiler, and all development libraries for included programs. The full kernel source is also available from the SFS downloading tool in case you need to compile a particular kernel module.

Once you have finished a Puppy session you can save it or not. Saving can be done to a variety of media, the choice is yours. It is all taken care of at power down.

There is a huge variety of software packages in the Puppy Package Manager to cover almost any need. There are also several SFS packages for very large programs, including Firefox ESR, Vivaldi and Chromium browsers and Libre Office which are easy to install with SFS Manager tool which takes care of installing them. Look for it in the Setup menu.

Puppy uses JWM as it's window manager, an extremely lightweight tool and combined with ROX Filer makes for a snappy and extensible desktop. You can easily change themes and wallpapers and there are several gtk themes, JWM themes, Icon themes and wallpapers included.

Re: Raspup Homepage

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:42 pm
by r96chase

Thanks for linking this. I think it might help a lot. :thumbup2: