Instructional Videos on YT

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Instructional Videos on YT

Post by don570 »

I came across two videos about fatdog linux on Youtube
I'll watch them and review.

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Re: Instructional Videos on YT

Post by don570 »

The second video runs Fatdog 903 from an ISO using VMWARE
Unfortunately the accent is hard to understand.
Here is transcript..

 So today we are looking at the FatDog64 Linux. So the version of the latest, . So you can call it as a fatdog 64 Linux 9 0 3. So here is the boot menu. So let me quickly boot it in a live boot.

And also the desktop environment you get is the open box and the country of origin of this Linux distro is the United States. So this is the latest version, which is a 903. I'm running it on the virtual machine, which is a VMware. And it's going to take a two or three minutes for the booting process, because usually all the Linux distro will take that much of time in my virtual mini virtual machine or in the.

Laptop. So I have the hardware specs of a i5 1240p CPU and 8GB of RAM. And also the 60 GB of virtual disk for the VMware. So here is our desktop layout. So it's completely loaded. I'm going to show you the downloading process and all the available changes throughout the video. So let's first open the system monitor or the task manager.

So let me find that utility, so it should be somewhere here, not in the multimedia internet network. So these are all the applications which comes pre installed on the graphics, programming file system, utility. I don't find anything. So let me open the system monitor. We have the task manager here. So here you can see, these are all the processes running right now.

I didn't even change the display settings because I don't want to touch anything other than the task manager, because I want to show exact hardware resources consuming. As soon as the Linux distro is booted, so it's a 337 MB and CPU is under like a 10%. So it's pretty much lightweight Linux distro. So let's check about, so LXTask 0.

1. 8. I'm going to keep the task manager in the right side corner throughout the video, so you can see all the changes. So let's first change the display settings. Desktop. I need to find the display settings here. I think it should be in the control menu. Let's wait. So display, let's click on display properties.

So my monitor is 1920 into 1080. I'm going to click on apply. So let's check about, so here is the resolution or the, about the screen information, let me click on. Okay. So wallpaper is pretty much messed up. So I'm going to change the wallpaper so it can fix everything. Let's click on the system setups, control panel.

Let's check the wallpaper, desktop wallpaper. I think we need to click a double time. I'm going to click on double. So still nothing. So we have the wallpaper. Let's click on apply. So as you can see, it fixed pretty much properly. So these are all the wallpapers available.

So I don't think there is nothing updated in the wallpapers, as you can see modified in the date. So it's 2014. The wallpaper is from 2023 and there is no 2024. So I'm going to close this thing before that. Let's check about, so here is this, let's close it. It's a big, okay. So here is the task manager.

So let's open the internet browser and I'm going to show you the downloading process. If you need a browser now, the CMonkey browser suite is already included. So if you want any browser other than the CMonkey, you can install by clicking. Yes, I'm going to open the default browser. I don't want to install anything other than the default thing.

So that's the reason I'm going to open the default things and I'm going to show How it performs on the default applications and default settings. I don't want to modify or I don't want to change anything here. So let's see what version we have here. So this is the latest iso file, which is 903.

Let's check the browser information about Seamonkey. It's a 2. I don't know when it was released. Build identifier 2024. It should be on this date. I'm going to close this user extension. I'm going to close it also. Here is the FatDog64 Linux. It's a independent Linux distro. So if you want any information you can just go to the official website.

So I'm going to go to the official website now. Let me type in like a fatdog64 or else I'm just going to copy this thing. So if you want any information you can just directly read it from here. Let me paste it. Let's click enter. So search engine is DuckDuckGo.

So here is the official website. Keep CPU and RAM throughout the video. The RAM went up to almost 592 MB just for the browser. FatDog Linux is a small yet versatile 64 bit multi user Linux distribution. Originally created, fatter, so I'm not going to read everything here. It's an independent Linux, as you can see here.

Small, fast, and efficiency around 600 MB. The ISO file is around 600, 700 MB. So if you want any other information you can just directly go and check here So if you want the minimum requirements or how much of? Ram and cpu you need to run this linux distro. You need to have minimum requirements of this much which is amd cpu amd x64 amd cpu and 1 gb ram And also most intel and amd cpu produced after 2008 support 64 bit including many intel atoms So you can easily run this linux distro even if you have a 1 gb of ram And about storage you can run i'm running it on the live boot So you can run it on the live boot But if you want to install you can install it on your own So you need at least like it's a 2024 You need to have like almost a 50 gb or 60 gb like that for the hard disk So these are all the other information and let's go to the downloads.

So click here for the info on the latest release. Click here to download the ISO file and burn your own CD or here are the latest pre release. I'm going to click on the first link. Let's see. So this is the version I'm using right now, which is 903 was released on the 17th, August, 2024. And Based on LFS Linux from scratch.

So it's Linux from scratch. You can call it as LFS 11. 3. And also there is nothing about the nine zero three version. I think other than this thing, which is a Linux from scratch 11. 3. I will be giving all the information in the description if you Want any information about the version 903 i'm going to provide that in thing In this version, but you can just compare it from this one to this latest version by typing some commands and opening all the applications.

You should be getting all the changes right away, but if you want the release notes, I'm going to provide it in the description. So these are all the information you can directly download the ISO files from the here, which is get the ISO images from here. Let's click on the first link which I downloaded from there so you can see the version here So there are also pre or the pre release or the older versions.

You can scroll it down and find the latest version So as you can see, it's a fat dog 64 903 iso file you can just click on directly here. So the iso file is around 681 mb. So it's a lightweight linux distro so you can easily try it on your own You So if you already are using you can try this linux distro because most of the time the fat dog linux will be pretty much stable So and also the version which we are using right now is also stable version so you can save anywhere you want So always try it in the live boot first then go with the installation if you want So it should be running on most of the low end Pcs, so I think it should be running on every linux distro because if you already have 1gb of ram It's pretty much okay Because as you can see by running the browser and also the task manager, I am having like a 631 MB and also I'm running it on the RAM.

So it's consuming 600 MB or 700 MB of RAM. So I'm going to close the browser. Before that, let's try the about support,

about support,

and I'm going to click on enter. So here is the information. So build ID is a 2024 0 7 0 4. So the Linux kernel we have is a 6. 10. 2, which is a pretty much latest version or the stable version. So the latest version of a Linux kernel is 6. 10. 3, let's search it. I don't want to give any wrong answers, but I'm going to type in like a Linux kernel in the search bar Linux kernel Let's find the latest version.

So the release candidate right now is 6. 11 I guess as you can see 6. release candidate, but the stable version is 6. 10. 5 So it was like a 10. 4 like a 2 3 days ago, but here you can see it's The latest version is on the 08. 14. 6. 10. 5. So you are getting the version 6. 10. 2, which is a 0. 3 updates difference.

So it's latest version. You don't need to worry about the kernel. You get the latest version, which is stable version. And the Fire SeaMonkey browser version is here. I'm pretty much confusing similar like a Firefox browser because it's a SeaMonkey browser. So I'm using a 8 GB of RAM which I already mentioned in the beginning.

So disk space available is 3. 8 GB. So if you want any other information, you can just directly get all the information just pausing the video right here. So here is some of the important information for some of the viewers who need who consider it as important. You can pause the video, but if you don't consider it as important, you can just skip this part.

So when you scroll down, you should be seeing all the information.

So this is all the information available right now. You can just pause the video and read everything on your own. You can even install the other browsers which is already available in this Linux. So that's a good thing. So we got everything from the browser. So I'm going to close the browser. Close the browser.

So I'm going to close the downloading also. So let's open the terminal. Let me type in INXI. Hit enter. Command not found. NeoFetch. Also not found. Unium A. So here is the Linux kernel and my CPU. uname dash r, so we already saw the linux kernel, so I'm going to close it. So we need to see what are the changes here.

Let's check custom look and The Alexa appearance. You can choose whatever you want. I'm going to close it. So here you can also open the quick setup. So these are all the same things. Nothing changed in the desktop. So here is the desktop system. So here are the applications, here are the setups.

Let's choose the control menu.

So here are the all things appearance, wallpaper thing, color, and all the font size you can customize. Display, we already saw everything about the displays, here is the sound, customize your sound, here is the network, and here is the disk, gparted and all those things, you can install the fatdog64 if you want, here is the system, here are the available things, third party software installer.

So you can install the Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Firefox, VirtualBox, VLC, everything. So if you want installer, you can click on the installer or else I think there was installer here, but I don't find anywhere. So installation created by the installer. Installation created by the installer only boots on BIOS.

So it went. So where to install? Bootloader options. Installation source. So you already know how to install. I'm not going to install anything here. I just want to run it everything on the live boot. So here is the panels. You can customize your panel. If you want to add new panel, you can add it. If you want to configure, you can configure.

If you want to click auto hide, you can do that. Styling, Widgets, for date and time, volume, the network connection.

Let's close it. Here is the Bluetooth. Here is the clipboard. Let's clear it. Okay. Here is the file manager,

downloads, startup. You need to just click on single click. So there is no password or anything for this linux distro. If you want, you can restart it. So here is the games. Here is the multimedia. Some of the applications need to be installed. For example, the VLC. I think VLC is pre installed, so VLC is already pre installed.

Let's check the version. So you get the 3. 0. 21. When you don't, when you don't have the release notes, it will be a bit of problem, so there is no release notes for the 9 0 3 version, but I'm going to show whatever the possible I'm going to show everything here because we, most of the time, the Linux kernel will be changed.

I showed already the Linux kernel, which is the latest version available. And also there will be sometimes the application will be updated. For example, the browsers and the Thunderbird. Mail client or the VLC media player. So these are the changes minor changes will be available. But when you don't have the release note, there will be a issue.

So GIMP is also pretty much pre installed. So if you want the older version, you can see that videos because I pretty much showed everything in this, in those videos. So here is the GIMP. Let's Click on single mode. Let's check the version. It's 2.8 0.22. So I want to do a stress test by opening a bunch of applications and see whether this digital will handle the day-to-day task, or the day-to-Day stresses like some of the normal user will be opening like a four or five application at once and if we had a one GB off ramp and how it's going to perform.

So right now I opened like a four or five applications. So the RAM went up to 595 MB and CPU is also under 10%. So it's pretty much running almost the default applications without any issues. So I don't have any lag or anything. And also you need to consider that that I'm using a eight GB of RAM for my VMware.

So even if you have a one GB of RAM, it's going to be running smoothly without any issues because it's a lightweight Linux distro in my opinion. So if you want to try it, you can try it on your own. Here are the customization. You can customize according to your wish. These are all the same things, nothing changed here.

Let's check what applications we get pre installed here. Desktop, System, Setup. Let's open the Utility, File System, Programming, Graphics, Document, Calculate, which is like a LibreOffice calculator, Base, and the usual calculators. Personal, you can install the Quick Apps. And also what we have is the network.

The network you get these things. Internet. We get a lot of browsers but you need to install it on your own. Multimedia. Let's open the AVDMux. So AVDMux is also pre installed. So let's try to open a bunch of applications again.

No device dies found. So most of these applications are pretty much added already, so you don't need to open.

So here are all the applications, 216 items.

So these are all the applications or the available things in the FatDog64Linux version. Let's check the task manager. Let's make it bigger. So these are all the processes running right now. As you can see, and also there is no minor lag or any hiccups here and there. So everything is working smoothly without any issues.

I'm not even feeling any of the issues here. So as you can see, no lag. I can switch the applications without any problem. So you can switch from back to front, no lag.

I can switch any applications. without issues. So this Linux distro is good for the lightweight this Linux distro can be considered as a lightweight Linux distro and you can run it on the low end PC. Like even if you have a 2GB or 1GB of RAM, it's going to be running smoothly without issues.

So also you should be getting the latest version of the kernel, which is 6. 10. So that's also a good thing from this fat dog Linux distro. So if you ask me, if you have a low end PC it's going to perform well, then I'm going to say answer. It's going to perform well, because it's still consuming 726 MB after opening a bunch of applications like a game, every marks, and also some browser calculator, the text editor.

So I'm running almost Most of the usual a user using applications right now without any lag, I can even switch the applications. So if you want to try, you can try it on your own and do let me know in the comment section how it performed if you already have the low end PC. But it's clearly up to you to judge whether to use this Linux distro or not.

In my point of view and in my final thoughts, I'm going to say it's working pretty much without any lag. So it's a positive response for me, or it's a positive response for the Linux. So let's check the version. Let's check the task manager and see it's consuming 730 MB of opening all these applications.

So I'm going to provide the release notes as soon as it's available or I'll find any sources to get all the information and I'm going to provide in the description. I'm going to get the information if the official website released the version. I'm going to provide that in the description, but let's see.

Right now there is no release notes, but we need to wait. A few hours, I think there will be release notes because the ISO file was released like a few hours ago, maybe there should be providing the release notes. So as soon as the ISO file releases or the website releases the release notes, I'm going to provide it in the description.

So let's close the applications and end the video. So we need to always have the release notes because we don't know what will be the changes. Only if we need to compare the previous version and the latest version. The Linux kernel is almost the latest version. So the Linux kernel is changed. And also we need to find other changes.

Maybe the applications will be updated like this one or the VLC media player this type of applications. So as soon as the release notes is available, I'm going to provide it in the description. Let's close it. Let's close the, this one also and the text editor, which is a leaf pad. You get a 0. 8. 19 So already provided and I already posted a video of ExtxLinux, which is the latest version of a Deepin I already posted that video if you want to watch that video, the video is already available in my channel So you decide whether to use the ExtxLinux or not.

I'm going to say whatever it's in the video You I already said everything in the video, so you can watch those videos. So here is a view in your browser already showed you the version file manager the package manager Let's check the package manager. Let's try to grab it like this Let's check the version 0.

5. 10. So the installed packages will be highlighted with the blue box

So these are all the installed packages and the version will be on the left side and the description will be on the right side. You can just pause the video and read everything or you can just watch the video in a slow mo by going to YouTube settings and change the playback speed to 0. 25 and you should be seeing everything in a slow mo.

So let me close this. You get the calculator. So you get a bunch of pre installed applications which is usually used. for a normal user. So it contains almost everything. So if you want to try it, you can try it. Always try it in the live boot and then go with the installation if you're satisfied. And also you can see the changes from the 902 from 903 by checking this video.

You can easily compare those videos or else you can just wait for the release notes I'm going to provide So here is the hardware specs or the resources consuming at the end of the video of closing all the applications. So it went up to 450 MB in the RAM CPU is pretty much stable throughout the video.

It's almost under 10%. So it's a good Linux distro in my opinion and you decide whether it's a good or not according to your using. I think I'm going to end the video here because we pretty much covered the basic things which a normal user wants here. So let's try to log out and see. You can suspend, you can reboot, you can shut down.

So do you really want to power off, all applications will be closed and unsaved changes will be lost. Please save all open documents before continuing. I'm not going to click on no

Yes, you are running in a RAM. At this moment, none of your data in this session is saved. If you want to save your data, you need to create a save file. Do you want to create a save file now? I'm going to click on no. You click cancel during the save file creating process. If you cancel this process, none of your data in this session will be saved.

Are you sure you want to stop this process and lose all your data session? I'm going to click on yes. So that's the end of the video. Thanks for watching. Peace out.

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Re: Instructional Videos on YT

Post by step »

@don570 thank you.

the reviewer wrote:

In my point of view and in my final thoughts, I'm going to say it's working pretty much without any lag. So it's a positive response for me, or it's a positive response for the Linux. So let's check the version. Let's check the task manager and see it's consuming 730 MB of opening all these applications.

I did read the rest of the transcript. I didn't find criticism of sort.

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