32bit Computer Limitations

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32bit Computer Limitations

Post by wizard »

32bit Computer Limitations
32bit computers can still run Puppy versions and can be useful for task such as:
-Word Processing
-Learning about Linux
-Playing/viewing local Multi-media files
-Light graphics and editing
-Setting up a file server (network file storage)
-Internet browsing (limited)

-Internet streaming, the CPUs and ram available do not have what is required by modern browsers and web sites to stream well. Plus, most developers are discontinuing support for 32bit browsers.
-Programs requiring high CPU and/or high ram use
-Some programs and applications are not available in 32bit versions


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32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by wizard »


Trying to get a 32bit Chromium to run, have tried the following:
S15 32


All produce this error in terminal:

# chromium
/usr/bin/chromium: line 32: 11261 Illegal instruction run-as-spot /opt/chromium/chromium-ungoogled --disk-cache-size=10000000 --media-cache-size=10000000 --allow-outdated-plugins "$@"
chown: /root/spot/Downloads/*: No such file or directory
# EXIT="Exit on timeout"

Any suggestions?


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32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by Wiz57 »

wizard wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:08 pm


Trying to get a 32bit Chromium to run, have tried the following:
S15 32


All produce this error in terminal:

# chromium
/usr/bin/chromium: line 32: 11261 Illegal instruction run-as-spot /opt/chromium/chromium-ungoogled --disk-cache-size=10000000 --media-cache-size=10000000 --allow-outdated-plugins "$@"
chown: /root/spot/Downloads/*: No such file or directory
# EXIT="Exit on timeout"

Any suggestions?


Did you try this one, chromium 129 ungoogled, this is the one I use
https://sourceforge.net/projects/lxpup/ ... s/download

I've not had much success with the ones labeled for "lxsc_spot", but these from Alien Bob mostly work.
If you want, I may be able to send a slightly older version 128 that I have, as well as a few others.

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32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by rockedge »

Does /root/spot/Downloads/ actually exist and belong to user spot?

Something in the syntax of the launcher?

This to consider? -> chrome-stops-working-on-old-processors

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32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by wizard »


Did you try this one, chromium 129 ungoogled, this is the one I use

Yes, it's the 3rd one listed above, got it from the earlier link you posted to me.

Did not mention was trying on a Thinkpad with Pentium M CPU, that maybe the issue, will switch to another old computer with an AMD.


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32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by wizard »


Ok, switched over to a old Compaq laptop with a 2.0ghz AMD Sempron Mobile 3300 32bit. Chromium.sfs runs (still throws a lot of errors in terminal).

Although the Pentium M Thinkpad runs Firefox, Palemoon, etc. apparently Chromium requires some CPU extension that's not supported.

So noted.


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32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by peebee »

Almost certainly your cpu lacks a feature (probably SSE3) that is essential for chromium.....


An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE3 capable

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Re: 32-bit Chromium cpu issues

Post by mikewalsh »

peebee wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 11:50 am

Almost certainly your cpu lacks a feature (probably SSE3) that is essential for chromium.....


An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE3 capable

@wizard :-

Yup, Peter's right. Up till around 2019, Chrome/Chromium was happy with SSE2s. Google - thru the Chromium Project - then had a major re-jig of their compiling environment, and added the requirement for SSE3s....

Your Mobile Sempron 3300+ has those SSE3s:-

Mobile Sempron 3300+ @ cpuworld.com

The Pentium M - like ALL 32-bit P4-gen CPUs - was stuck on SSE2s. Intel had added the Enhanced Speedstep stuff and had re-built the Pentium Ms with the older P5 architecture from the Pentium IIIs (this was to morph into the later 'Core' architecture), but the existing instruction sets stayed the same. 64-bit P4s had SSE3s, which worked nicely, since at that time Chrome itself had gone to 64-bit only anyway.....though, as has been noted in another recent thread, because the source code for Chromium is freely available, 32-bit builds of Chromium are still possible.

The requirement for those SSE3s, however, remains...

As I've explained before, the fact that Chromium is "noisy" in the terminal means very little; it does this even with an "official" install on a mainstream distro. One of the requirements that Google stipulated, when they assembled their browser dev team back in 2007/8, was for an ongoing "live" debug report to run continuously in the background while the browser was active; the whole purpose of this was to enable faster patching as bugs were discovered, and is mostly automated thru the project's fleet of semi-autonomous "build-bots", which run constantly, 24/7, all year round. It's still with us, to this day!

Mike. ;)

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