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USB Boot Work-Around

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 2:55 pm
by wizard

USB boot work-around

Some older computers do not support USB booting in their BIOS. Adding the PLOP boot manager to the internal drive grub file, menu.lst, can provide a work around for USB booting.

Here's an overview of the process:

-create a Puppy bootable CD
-boot from the Puppy CD
-install Puppy to your internal drive
-install grub4dos to your internal drive
-copy plpbt.bin to the internal drive in the same directory as the file: menu.lst
-open menu.lst in Geany editor
-add a entry for PLOP

Example (NOTE: your "root" line must match your install):

Code: Select all

# plop boot mgr
  title PLOP Boot Manager, USB, CDROM
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /plpbt.bin
# plop boot mgr ends

Save the file.

Now when you boot, you can choose the PLOP boot manager and then boot from a USB flash drive.
NOTE: Puppy USB may need to be the only USB device connected during boot.


Re: USB Boot Work-Around

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 3:36 pm
by Jasper

Plop Boot Manager ........ brings back memories.

Great tool and more importantly great addition @wizard :thumbup: