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Force Dolphin to mount partitions in /mnt

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 2:43 pm
by Caramel

To force Dolphin to mount a partition in /mnt, we can cheat with a fake /etc/fstab.

If the partition is written as mounted in /mnt in the file fstab, Dolphin mounts the partition at this place.

Dolphin in the lastest KDE edition of the Porteus distribution mount the partitions in /mnt

Here is the script udev-fstab-update used by Porteus (in /sbin)

Code: Select all

# Handle /etc/fstab entries and /mnt directories for removable devices
# so they are mounted under /mnt directory.
# This script is called by /etc/udev/rules.d/10-porteus-fstab-update.rules

# Inspired by 'udev-fstab-update' from Slax 6.1.2 but rewritten from scratch
# for Porteus by fanthom <> and Ahau <>

# Variables initialized by the udev environment:
# $ACTION (add, change, remove)
# $DEVNAME (device name including path)
# $ID_FS_TYPE (filesystem type)

# Exit if called during boot:
#ps a | grep -q 'bash /etc/rc.d/rc.S' && exit

# Exit if 'nohd' cheatcode is used:
egrep -qo " nohd( |\$)" /etc/bootcmd.cfg && exit

# Our variables:
DEVICE=`echo $DEVNAME | sed s_^/dev/__`
[ `/bin/ls -1 ${INITRD_PATH}/mnt | grep $DEVICE` ] && MNTPT=${INITRD_PATH}${MNTPT}
[ "$FS" ] || FS=`/sbin/blkid $DEVNAME | egrep -o ' TYPE=[^ ]+' | cut -d'"' -f2`
cdtest=`echo $DEVICE | grep ^sr`
[ "$cdtest" ] && GVICON=',comment=x-gvfs-icon=media-optical-symbolic'

# Make sure the part of a script after 'mutex_lock' call is atomic,
# that means the 'locked' part of the script can never be execuetd 
# from several processes at the same time, in parallel.
# Every script waits until it gathers the lock.
# The lock directory is saved in /dev instead of /tmp, because /tmp may be
# readonly at the time when the lock is needed (eg. when udev is starting)
# $1 = name of the lock
   while ! mkdir "/dev/ll-mutex-lock-$1" 2>/dev/null; do
      usleep 100000;

# Unlock the lock so another waiting process can reusse it and continue
# $1 = name of the lock
   rmdir "/dev/ll-mutex-lock-$1" 2>/dev/null

fstab_add() {
# Create the mount point:
test ! -d $MNTPT && mkdir $MNTPT
# Create new entry as per the 'mopt=' or 'nmopt=' or 'rmopt=' cheatcode - or Porteus defaults:
MOPT=`egrep -o " mopt=[^ ]+" /etc/bootcmd.cfg | cut -d= -f2`
NMOPT=`egrep -o " nmopt=[^ ]+" /etc/bootcmd.cfg | cut -d= -f2`
RMOPT=`egrep -o " rmopt=[^ ]+" /etc/bootcmd.cfg | cut -d= -f2`

[ $MOPT ] || MOPT="users,noatime,nodiratime,suid,dev,exec,async"
[ $NMOPT ] || NMOPT="noatime,nodiratime,group,nodev,exec,async"
[ $RMOPT ] || RMOPT="noatime,nodiratime,suid,dev,exec,async,nofail"
if `test -e /lib/udev/rules.d/80-udisks2.rules`; then MOPT="$MOPT,comment=x-gvfs-show$GVICON"; NMOPT="$NMOPT,comment=x-gvfs-show$GVICON"; fi
if [ "$FS" = vfat ]; then sed -i '\?^'$DEVNAME'?d' $FSTAB; echo "$DEVNAME $MNTPT vfat $MOPT,umask=0,check=s,utf8 0 0" >> $FSTAB
elif [ "$FS" = ntfs ]; then sed -i '\?^'$DEVNAME'?d' $FSTAB; echo "$DEVNAME $MNTPT ntfs-3g $NMOPT 0 0" >> $FSTAB; chmod 777 $MNTPT
elif [ "$FS" = linux_raid_member ]; then sed -i '\?^'$DEVNAME'?d' $FSTAB; echo "$DEVNAME $MNTPT $FS $RMOPT 0 0" >> $FSTAB; chmod 777 $MNTPT
else sed -i '\?^'$DEVNAME'?d' $FSTAB; echo "$DEVNAME $MNTPT $FS $MOPT 0 0" >> $FSTAB

fstab_change() {
# Change entry as per the 'mopt=' or 'nmopt=' cheatcode or porteus defaults:
MOPT=`egrep -o " mopt=[^ ]+" /etc/bootcmd.cfg | cut -d= -f2`
NMOPT=`egrep -o " nmopt=[^ ]+" /etc/bootcmd.cfg | cut -d= -f2`
[ $MOPT ] || MOPT="users,noatime,nodiratime,suid,dev,exec,async"
[ $NMOPT ] || NMOPT="noatime,nodiratime,group,nodev,exec,async"
if `test -e /lib/udev/rules.d/80-udisks2.rules`; then MOPT="$MOPT,comment=x-gvfs-show$GVICON"; NMOPT="$NMOPT,comment=x-gvfs-show$GVICON"; fi
if [ "$FS" = vfat ]; then sed -i "s_^$DEVNAME.*_$DEVNAME $MNTPT vfat $MOPT,umask=0,check=s,utf8 0 0_" $FSTAB; mkdir -p $MNTPT
elif [ "$FS" = ntfs ]; then sed -i "s_^$DEVNAME.*_$DEVNAME $MNTPT ntfs-3g $NMOPT 0 0_" $FSTAB; mkdir -p $MNTPT; chmod 777 $MNTPT
elif [ "$FS" = linux_raid_member ]; then sed -i "s_^$DEVNAME.*_$DEVNAME $MNTPT $FS $RMOPT 0 0_" $FSTAB; mkdir -p $MNTPT; chmod 777 $MNTPT
elif [ "$FS" = swap ]; then sed -i "s_^$DEVNAME.*_$DEVNAME none swap sw,pri=1 0 0_" $FSTAB
else sed -i "s_^$DEVNAME.*_$DEVNAME $MNTPT $FS $MOPT 0 0_" $FSTAB; mkdir -p $MNTPT

mutex_lock udev-fstab-update

if [ "$ACTION" = add ]; then
    # Add new entry:
    [ "$FS" ] && fstab_add
elif [ "$ACTION" = change ]; then
    if grep -w "^/dev/$DEVICE" $FSTAB; then
	# Change existing entry:
	[ "$FS" ] && fstab_change
	# Add new entry:
	[ "$FS" ] && fstab_add
elif [ "$ACTION" = remove ]; then
    # Delete fstab entry:
    sed -i "/$DEVICE /d" $FSTAB
    # Remove the mount point:
    rmdir $MNTPT 2>/dev/null

mutex_unlock udev-fstab-update

I have removed the parts with "cheatcodes" that are Porteus boot options and created too from this script another script (makefakestab) that makes a fake fstab with all the partitions present at startup.

When a drive is plugged (or unplugged) the script udev-fstab-update is called by a file located in /etc/udev/rules.d

I made a pet file with these 3 files :

As one of the 3 files is in /root/Startup, a reboot is needed before test the pet

EDIT : pet removed

Fix for fstab-manager

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 1:37 pm
by Caramel

In the previous version of udev-fstab-update, the line 89

Code: Select all

grep $DEVNAME /tmp/partitions && [ ! "$ACTION" = change ] && exit

prevents to add or remove an entry in /etc/fstab corresponding to a partition present at startup

This could cause a bug if a removable drive is plugged at startup and then replaced by a drive with a different type of partitionment
(For example a usb stick with a vfat partition replaced by a usb stick with a ext4 partition)

A solution considered is to still prevent the removal of a partition present at startup but to change the "add" action to a "change" action/

Code: Select all

grep $DEVNAME /tmp/partitions && [  "$ACTION" = remove ] && exit
grep $DEVNAME /tmp/partitions && [  "$ACTION" = add ] && $ACTION=change

(EDIT : ERROR it's ACTION=change, not $ACTION=change)

EDIT : pet removed

Re: Force Dolphin to mount partitions in /mnt

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 2:50 pm
by Federico

Hi Caramel,
as far as I know, there's no need to "force" anything. At least since EasyOS Dunfell I just a use a simple script on /root/Startup of the type:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/nvme0n1p3
mkdir /mnt/nvme0n1p4
mount -t ntfs /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/nvme0n1p3
mount -t ntfs /dev/nvme0n1p4 /mnt/nvme0n1p4

Partitions of the HDD or SSD (Windows partitions) will be automatically mounted when the system boots up.

For mounting and reading automatically FAT32 formatted USB sticks, scripts similar to the following can be used:

for mounting:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/usb_stick
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb_stick
dolphin /mnt/usb_stick

for unmounting:

Code: Select all

umount /mnt/usb_stick
rmdir /mnt/usb_stick 

The point of the question is, that this has to do with the system as a whole, not just with KDE Dolphin.
What the system can access can be also accessed by any file manager. Only in the case that a file manager runs as a flatpk or inside any sort of closed container there could be discrepancies.

New fix for fstab-manager

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:25 pm
by Caramel

I made a big error in the last fix ("$ACTION=change" instead of "ACTION=change")

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Federico wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 2:50 pm

Hi Caramel,
as far as I know, there's no need to "force" anything. At least since EasyOS Dunfell I just a use a simple script on /root/Startup of the type:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/nvme0n1p3
mkdir /mnt/nvme0n1p4
mount -t ntfs /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/nvme0n1p3
mount -t ntfs /dev/nvme0n1p4 /mnt/nvme0n1p4

Partitions of the HDD or SSD (Windows partitions) will be automatically mounted when the system boots up.

For mounting and reading automatically FAT32 formatted USB sticks, scripts similar to the following can be used:

for mounting:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/usb_stick
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb_stick
dolphin /mnt/usb_stick

for unmounting:

Code: Select all

umount /mnt/usb_stick
rmdir /mnt/usb_stick 

The point of the question is, that this has to do with the system as a whole, not just with KDE Dolphin.
What the system can access can be also accessed by any file manager. Only in the case that a file manager runs as a flatpk or inside any sort of closed container there could be discrepancies.

I want a solution that works in all cases and without intervention of the user

New version of fstab-manager

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 6:44 am
by Caramel

The new version takes into account the case where an usb drive is plugged in, a partition of the drive is unmounted without the key being unplugged and then the partition is mounted again (by dolphin)
It is necessary that a partition is present in /etc/fstab before dolphin mount it.

The lines 80 and 81 in /usr/bin/udev-fstab-update

grep $DEVNAME /tmp/partitions && [ "$ACTION" = remove ] && exit
grep $DEVNAME /tmp/partitions && [ "$ACTION" = add ] && ACTION=change

are replaced by

Code: Select all

grep $DEVNAME /etc/fstab && [  "$ACTION" = remove ] && exit
grep $DEVNAME /etc/fstab && [  "$ACTION" = add ] && ACTION=change
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