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Easy Version Control

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:02 pm
by pp4mnklinux

Hello everybody:

I love EasyOs Backups using EASY VERSION CONTROL (File system / Easy Version Control ) because it is really fast and secure to use it to restore your system to a previous system.

When I run this soft, in versión 6.3.1 appears a lot of backups (some of them had been deleted) so I wanna know how to do this, and delete the files that don't exist.

I include some captures, where you can see the backups that appears, the backups which exists and the log file.

Thanks a lot.

N.B.- It is not important, but I like to know...

.- Other observation.- Imagine I chose the backup called OCTOBER (It doesn't exist) so it goes back to and original system.

P.D.- Excuse my explanation but It is difficult for me to explain perfectly what happens, mainly because I don't understand what happens, haha. (depth is 5 and there are 8 copies ¿?¿?)

Have a nice day

Re: Easy Version Control (problem ?)

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:43 pm
by BarryK

The depth is the number of versions that are kept, but you can have any number of snapshots in each version.

I'm not sure what you are asking for.

The record of snapshots is in file /mnt/wkg/releases/rollback-log
The snapshots are /mnt/wkg/releases/*/rw-*.sfs files

You can manually delete them if you want to.