This Is an Amazing Forum

Ideas and discussion

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This Is an Amazing Forum

Post by JusGellin »

I just have to say that there are some truly amazing people throughout this puppy linux forum.

It amazes me for how improvements for different puppy linux, kl's, easyOS and others are continuously being developed.
I really appreciate how you all willingly do this to make things better and seem to enjoy doing it.
And then the help that keeps coming when people request it. --- wow!

A lot of the discussions I see are so far above my head, but from the little bit I'm learning here is useful for me.
I understand enough to use some of this for my benefit and pleasure.

Thank you all so much!

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Re: This Is an Amazing Forum

Post by mikewalsh »

@JusGellin :-

This is an Amazing Forum

Is it ever... :D :thumbup:

We try VERY hard not to enact the "ivory tower" principle. We're all in this together, so it stands to reason that all will benefit more greatly, the more we interact with each other. If someone comes up with a neat way of doing something, then why NOT 'share'? And many of us just enjoy helping others.....

Welcome to the Puppy Linux community.....where everybody is welcome, regardless of skill level OR experience. If you want to contribute, in any way at all, feel free to do so. If you don't, that too is fine; not everybody feels comfortable exposing their "ignorance" to others. "Lurking" is common; many have learnt about Puppy simply by regularly reading the forum, often without ever joining up.

You're in GOOD company here......a "brotherhood" of experienced - and not so experienced - eternal 'noobs'! And I mean that last without disrespect, because so many of us are very much aware that there's always more to learn.....:D

Mike. ;)

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