Thanks to all of you who replied.
Flash, do you know the name of that Puppy or where it is located?
s243a, which software are you using?
JASpup, Tinkercad is a great little no-cost tool for assembling many simple printable objects. I use it frequently. Its .stl files work fine with Repetier or Cura. You might also give a try; it has thousands of pre-made .stl files for all sorts of applications.
Mike, I am now using Cura 4.7.1 (2.7.0, then 4.7.0 originally), Repetier Host 2.1.6, Arduino IDE 1.8.5, and Betaflight Configurator 10.7.0. All of these are 64-bit apps. I use the AppImages for Cura and Repetier. The Arduino is a .deb file. Betaflight is a .zip file that creates a stand-alone executable. All four install and run fine in Tahrpup. Arduino and Repetier will also run in BionicPup. Suprisingly (to me at least), Cura tries to load in BionicPup, but crashes when trying to load the UI. I say surprising because Repetier uses the Cura engine for its slicer, and it runs just fine in BionicPup. Betaflight loads in BionicPup, but won't connect to the aircraft correctly via USB, but it will run and connect in XenialPup as well as TahrPup. I wanted to USE these apps rather than make a research project out of them, so because I could get each of them to run in one or more Pups, I went that route instead of troubleshooting, though I wish all of them ran in BionicPup, my go-to Puppy.
Eepe is currently only available in a 32-bit version for Linux, so I install and run it in Precise 5.7.1. It is a .deb file.
If any of you can suggest 'fixes' so some of the apps will run in BionicPup, or have suggestion for alternative apps, I'd be happy to learn of them.
Oops, forgot. My printer is an Anet A8, basically a Prusa i3.