Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

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Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by mikewalsh »

Morning, gang.

@radky :-

I've finally got around to giving this a serious assessment. I really do like it.

This is something of a "benchmark", Roger. Even by your high standards..! :thumbup:

I'd thought the older Stretch- and Busterpups were good.....but this thing is exceptional. I've had to replace the Dell D630 Latitude recently - the hot-running Nvidia GPU eventually performed "hari-kiri" & fried itself, thus a dead screen (and no workaround, either) - therefore, with @wizard 's advice I've replaced it with an E6430 Lat. Lovely piece of kit, solid as a rock & far more I thought I'd treat it to the current flagship Puppy.

I'm glad I did. Excellent kit deserves the best!

I have just ONE complaint; the usual one......and I know all the recent Woof-CE Pups are afflicted with this, so it's not just BWP64. It's to do with the workspace selection.

I know you can scroll through the workspaces by doing so with the pager itself. Many people hate the fact that with ROX/JWM, if you're not careful you can inadvertently switch workspaces without intending to by "accidentally" scrolling on the desktop itself.....and I know those same people all say they prefer having to change workspaces by physically needing to click on the pager.

As always, I'm the odd one out! I've grown very, very used to swapping from one workspace to another by scrolling on the desktop itself, and it's behaviour I like. Now; you gave me advice on how to revert to the old behaviour in the DPup Stretch thread - something to do with "onroot", and modifying a number somewhere - but this no longer seems to work. I guess it's either been changed by one of Dima's many modifications to Woof-CE, OR Joe Wing has changed the window manager code at some point.

So; IS there still a way to revert to the old behaviour, or is this not possible any more..?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by ozsouth »

@mikewalsh - /etc/xdg/templates contains the base config. Make a backup & try some edits & run fixmenus & restart X after each try. I know I stopped the window swapping by mouse scroll that way a long time ago (sorry can't remember how).

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by mikewalsh »

@ozsouth :-

Yah; I remember now, Oz.....though in MY case, I'm trying to RE-ENABLE the old behaviour. It was to do with this section of /etc/xdg/templates/_root_jwmrc:-

Code: Select all

<!-- 170714 Disable virtual desktop switching on mouse scroll of the desktop -->
<!-- requires JWM >= 2.3.7 ( -->
<RootMenu onroot="45"/>

.....and commenting-out the final line of that section. However; that section has since disappeared.....and along with it, presumably, the ability to re-enable virtual desktop switching via scroll. It would appear this 'disability' is now hard-coded, 'permanent' behaviour. Not a deal-breaker, but it DOES piss me off. :o

Despite this, it cannot detract from the excellence of Roger's work. BWP64 is definitely "da mutt's nutz"! (Even with Synaptic included as standard.....which all long-term Puppians know I am NOT happy with). :roll:

Mike. :D

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by HerrBert »

@mikewalsh As far as i know, the config for JWM changed.

Mouse actions are configured using Mouse tags.

See: ... mple.jwmrc

If you scroll down to line 198, there is an example config for scrolling thru workspaces.

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by stevie pup »

mikewalsh wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 12:19 pm

(Even with Synaptic included as standard.....which all long-term Puppians know I am NOT happy with). :roll:

I know you're not happy with Synaptic Mike, but I've never quite understood why that's the case. Personally I'm in favour of Synaptic, as now in Bookworm I can use all my preferred software, and not have to just "make do" with whatever was available in the PPM. Consequently I don't see a downside to it, perhaps you could explain?

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by mikewalsh »

@stevie pup :-

Oh, it's a personal thing, TBH. I have nothing against Debian's apt package management system at all; it works well, and has some of the best dependency checking I know of. It's just the Synaptic GUI front-end itself; I find it incredibly fiddly to use, and for me, at least, it doesn't always seem to want to refresh the listings when I ask it to. It's not that I don't know HOW to - I figured that bit out years ago! - but it just doesn't seem 100% reliable to me. But then, the PPM was far from 'reliable', either,'s six-to-one & a half-dozen of the other.

You either like it, or ya don't. I don't......but I suspect I'd be hard-pressed to find ANY package manager totally acceptable. I'm just a fussy bugger, when it comes down to it.... :D

....and I've always been a 'tinkerer' at heart, anyway (which is why I've usually preferred building stuff myself). That way, I know exactly what they need, and what's gone into them.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by bigpup »


There is some person on this forum, that keeps making portable apps, of every possible Linux software program. :geek: :ugeek:

Maybe you will like that way of installing added software! :D :P :lol:

We do hope they never stop doing this :!: :thumbup:

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by mikewalsh »

HerrBert wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 1:29 pm

@mikewalsh As far as i know, the config for JWM changed.

Mouse actions are configured using Mouse tags.

See: ... mple.jwmrc

If you scroll down to line 198, there is an example config for scrolling thru workspaces.

@HerrBert :-

A-ha. Mm. So; looking at that example config file, would I be right in thinking that by adding-in lines 199 & 200, like thus:-

Code: Select all

 <Mouse context="root" button="4">ldesktop</Mouse>
 <Mouse context="root" button="5">rdesktop</Mouse>

....that it would return the ability to scroll thru workspaces actually ON the desktop again? I see 'root' is mentioned, along with buttons 4 and 5...

Can you confirm, or will this be a case of "suck it and see"? :)

Mike. ;)

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by mikewalsh »

bigpup wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 3:36 pm


There is some person on this forum, that keeps making portable apps, of every possible Linux software program. :geek: :ugeek:

Maybe you will like that way of installing added software! :D :P :lol:

We do hope they never stop doing this :!: :thumbup:

@bigpup :-


Yeah, I HAD noticed. I don't know WHO it is, but I make use of an awful lot of their stuff meself. I hope they never stop, too! :D :lol: :lol:

Mike. ;)

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by HerrBert »

mikewalsh wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:36 pm

Can you confirm, or will this be a case of "suck it and see"? :)

Mike. ;)

At least for window shading i can confirm that mouse binding works here on S15Pup64.
TBH, i am one of those who never liked the scroll_workspace_onroot_thing in older jwm versions ;)

So yes, it is a case of trial and error (but i think it will do it for you).

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by MochiMoppel »

HerrBert wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 5:16 pm

So yes, it is a case of trial and error (but i think it will do it for you).

I can confirm that it works in BW64.
It is also possible to have it both ways: Let the scrollwheels do nothing when the mouse is over the desktop (that's now the default) and switch desktops while one of the "mask" keys is pressed. E.g. this would switch to the right desktop when pulling the scrollwheel down while presing the Ctrl key:
<Mouse mask="C" context="root" button="5">rdesktop</Mouse>
Switching to ldesktop can be defined for button 4 (scrollwheel up).

These configurations should be made in /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ( not /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc)

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by mikewalsh »

@HerrBert / @MochiMoppel :-

Thank you, guys.....and Mochi in particular, for testing it. I wasn't entirely certain whether to just add this to /etc/xdg/templates/_root_jwmrc, or if it should be added to /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal I've probably committed a sin, and added it into both (just to make sure).

At any rate, following a re-boot I now have the behaviour back that I prefer. Cool! (I know, I know. I'm a philistine, aren't I? :roll: :oops: )

Your input was especially appreciated, Mochi. You didn't HAVE to test it. I may be showing the effects of senility here ( :lol: ) - please correct me if I'm wrong! - but IIRC from one of the threads on this same subject on the old forum, I believe this is not one of your favourite JWM functions, either.....

Actually, I'm quite intrigued by your suggestion about "having the best of both worlds". I may try that out at some point tomorrow (the sandman's a-calling me ATM. Time to hit the sack, I believe...)

I'll let you know what I think. Thanks for the confirmation, anyway. Cheers!

Mike. ;)

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Re: Nice one. Yes, indeedy....

Post by MochiMoppel »

mikewalsh wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:20 am

I wasn't entirely certain whether to just add this to /etc/xdg/templates/_root_jwmrc, or if it should be added to /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal I've probably committed a sin, and added it into both (just to make sure).

People who care about "portability" will put it into jwmrc-personal so that they can re-use this file in all their Puppies and always have their favorite JWM settings,shortcuts etc. applied. ;)

At any rate, following a re-boot I now have the behaviour back that I prefer.

Doesn't require a reboot, not even exiting X.
A jwm -restart will do

please correct me if I'm wrong! - but IIRC from one of the threads on this same subject on the old forum, I believe this is not one of your favourite JWM functions, either.....

You have a good memory...this was 10 years ago :shock: : JWM: Disable scrollwheel switching virtual desktops

One caveat though: While the scrollwheel killer line <RootMenu onroot="45"/> is present (normally it isn't but in my file it is because I want to keep it compatible with older Puppies) the mentioned Mouse Bindings using the Ctrl key have no effect because "onroot" settings consume not only the associated mouse buttons but also all mouse+modifier key combos. In this case the killer line has to be removed or commented out.

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