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Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 v10.0.8, v10.0.9, v10.0.10

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:39 am
by bigpup

BookwormPup64 frugal install using a save folder.

The BookwormPup64 ISO has in it, the kbuild-<kernel number>.sfs. (each version has a kbuild sfs for the specific kernel, in the version)
If you install nvidia-driver with apt or Synaptic, kbuild-<kernel number>.sfs should be sufficient, to provide what is needed, to compile the driver.
Make sure the kbuild-<kernel number>.sfs is in the frugal install directory(folder).
Not all installer programs, may install it.
You may have to manually copy it, from the ISO, into the frugal install directory.
During boot process, make sure it says the kbuild SFS is loading.

How to install Nvidia driver:

Use apt package manager or Synaptic package manager.

1. Must have bookwormPup64 booted and using a save.

2. In apt or Synaptic package manager, update the software packages repositories information.

3. Download and install the nvidia-driver

during the install, this message will pop up:

Screenshot-20250224T204143.jpg (25.94 KiB) Viewed 67 times

you need to click on Details, so it will now look like this:

Screenshot-20250224T204047.jpg (52.17 KiB) Viewed 67 times

To get it to continue, you need to click on the blue OK.
When it shows all is completed.

4. Download and install nvidia-settings

5. Reboot making sure save is updated so this added software is there to use.

6. Boot process will stop with a requirement to run xorgwizard.

7. Run xorgwizard and manually enter nvidia for the driver, set the resolution, and set color depth.
Close xorgwizard.

8. At the prompt, type xwin

9. Should now be at a working desktop and using the nvidia driver.

10. All settings, for the drivers operation, are done using the Nvidia X Server Settings program. It makes a settings file, that stores the settings to use.
Under X server Display Configuration.
One setting is save to X configuration file. Do not select it. This will brake the Puppy boot process.


For Nvidia older hardware, not supported by the nvidia 535 driver.

There is an older driver called tesla driver.


Install this driver using the same steps.

For the nvidia-settings program, this driver has a special version to use with it. (do not use the generic nvidia-settings one)

Not for all possible old hardware, but will support some not supported by the nvidia 535 driver.
Here is another guide by Clarity:

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:02 pm
by shinobar

EDIT(2024-09-21): Found kbuild-6.1.106.sfs is another solution.
Needed devx_dpupbw64_10.0.8.sfs and kernel_sources-6.1.106-dpupbw64.sfs.

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:11 am
by bigpup


Worked for me without them. Did not have the devx or kernel sources sfs loaded. Do not even have them on the computer to load.

It did install the 535.183.01 driver from the repository.

Used Synaptic package manager to do install.

What Nvidia driver version did you get installed?

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:57 am
by mikewalsh

@bigpup / @shinobar :-

Doing stuff that way is absolutely fine IF your GPU is new enough to be supported by whatever the current 'mainline' driver happens to be in the repos.

In my case, support for the GT 710 was dropped around 18 months ago; the last supported driver was the 480-series. So for me, in Bookwormpup64 I have no choice but to use "nouveau", whether I want to or not.

The use of "nouveau" is, in some respects, a deal-breaker for me. I cannot use it to 'offload' video-processing to the GPU, since all video-editors that have this capability also insist on the official drivers for it to work. In its current form, "nouveau" simply doesn't cut the mustard. The recent addition of Nvidia's contributed open-source code may change this in the future, but.....not yet.

Even the older driver offered in the repos won't work for me, either. And as I've expounded on recently, I believe the reason why shinobar's getNvidia won't work here is largely down to the usrmerge stuff. That, and sundry other permissions issues & assorted 'artificial' restrictions that Debian is employing these days.

I'm not entirely convinced that standardising Woof-CE around mainline Debian is such a good idea. From the point of view of stability, yes (this cannot be faulted).....but in many other respects, it's just too 'fuddy-duddy' & restrictive.

The jury's out, and I remain "on the fence" about this one.

Mike. Image

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:16 pm
by dimkr
shinobar wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:02 pm

Needed devx_dpupbw64_10.0.8.sfs and kernel_sources-6.1.106-dpupbw64.sfs.

If you install nvidia-driver with apt or Synaptic, kbuild-6.1.106.sfs should be sufficient (and much smaller than kernel_sources-6.1.106-dpupbw64.sfs), and the main SFS already includes DKMS and GCC, hence devx_dpupbw64_10.0.8.sfs is not needed.

mikewalsh wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:57 am

I'm not entirely convinced that standardising Woof-CE around mainline Debian is such a good idea

The problem is not Debian, but a GPU vendor that doesn't maintain drivers for old hardware that work with new kernels. If NVIDIA doesn't provide drivers and firmware (closed source) it doesn't matter what distro you use, who's building it or how - it won't support your GPU.

If NVIDIA says your GPU reached its EOL in terms of driver support, blame NVIDIA for forcing you to stick with an old OS.

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:21 pm
by shinobar
bigpup wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:11 am

Worked for me without them. Did not have the devx or kernel sources sfs loaded. Do not even have them on the computer to load.
It did install the 535.183.01 driver from the repository.
Used Synaptic package manager to do install.
What Nvidia driver version did you get installed?

Just the same version 535.183.01.

I am not sure we need or need not the devx and kernel sources. I couldn't reproduce the error.
I thought they need not only if the dkms binary is in the repository. But now I am not sure.

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:40 am
by bigpup

I updated the information in the first post with a note about making sure the kbuild-6.1.106.sfs is in the frugal install.

This seems to provide all that is needed to get the driver compiled for the specific kernel 6.1.106.

Thanks dimkr for the info about the kbuild-6.1.106.sfs!

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 2:07 pm
by shinobar
bigpup wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:40 am

I updated the information in the first post with a note about making sure the kbuild-6.1.106.sfs is in the frugal install.
This seems to provide all that is needed to get the driver compiled for the specific kernel 6.1.106.

I confirmed DKMS build fails without kbuild-*.sfs nor devx, kernel-sources.
The synaptic says 'Changes applied', but the Details says:

Module build for kenel 6.1.106 was skipped since the
kernel headers for this kernel do not seem to be installed.

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:31 pm
by mikewalsh
dimkr wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:16 pm

The problem is not Debian, but a GPU vendor that doesn't maintain drivers for old hardware that work with new kernels. If NVIDIA doesn't provide drivers and firmware (closed source) it doesn't matter what distro you use, who's building it or how - it won't support your GPU.

If NVIDIA says your GPU reached its EOL in terms of driver support, blame NVIDIA for forcing you to stick with an old OS.

@dimkr :-

Huh. Yeah....

Nvidia, of course, want me to dip into hard-earnt savings and shell out for a newer card that I really don't need. I have no problem with using out-of-date drivers (not for what I use the GPU for). I have both the 32-bit AND 64-bit final supported drivers for this card.

I've got no issues with compiling the things myself using getNvidia.....except for the fact that Debian won't LET me. And it's a moot point, anyway, since they won't compile against 6-series kernels......

I refuse to be maneuvred into spending MY money unnecessarily.....when there's plenty more important things I need to spend it on (like food in my belly, clothes on my back and a roof over my head). Capitalism, eh? Who needs it.....? :roll:

(Although the GT 710 originally came out in 2013, I actually picked this up brand-new in mid-2020; Asus had re-released an upgraded card with additional HDMI ports in early 2020. This is the version I bought, along with the passive-cooler for silent operation. ... e-cooling/

For what I use it for, it's ideal.)

Mike. :o

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:44 pm
by dimkr
mikewalsh wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:31 pm

they won't compile against 6-series kernels......

Because NVIDIA no longer provide drivers for this card that work against recent kernels, not because Debian is somehow preventing you from installing drivers. Debian doesn't provide drivers that work against Debian's kernel because NVIDIA doesn't provide such drivers.

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 5:37 am
by Clarity

Hello @shinobar and @bigpup

ARe you using @radky's BKWP64 v1008 or @peebee's v1008 ... where the kernel sources are needed for the nvidia adapter?


Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:32 am
by bigpup

This how to was done using the radky version of BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:48 am
by Clarity

@bigpup and forum members

I have plagiarized @bigpup's instructions in the opening post. It has pictures to guide users thru the very steps shown.

You can find the enhanced pictorial instructions here.

All appreciation for the instructions are to @BigPup! :thumbup:


Re: Installing Nvidia driver in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:55 am
by bigpup

See the first post.

I added info on a older driver, that may work with old hardware, not supported by the nvidia 535 driver.

It worked on my Nvidia hardware, but mine is not that old. Both drivers worked OK on it.