GCC-14 introduces much stricter error checking than earlier versions.
There are problems building GTKDialog with GCC-14:
https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/g ... issues/160
01micko wrote:The code base is ancient . Thunor did what he could and he certainly was a fine programmer, but he's been awol for years. Unfortunately, none of the big distros (apart from pclinuxos - a mandrake fork - and we all know what happened to mandrake) ever picked up on it.
Without a few fine software engineers I'm afraid that gtkdialog is on it's last legs.
Anybody up to the challenge of updating the GTKDialog software for the future?? I know some people already think it's dead but the Puppy community has such a lot invested in GTKDialog apps it seems worth trying to prolong it's life if possible.