speed improvement in setup -> bootmanager
the default desktop icon "setup" (actually wizardwizard) -> "configure startup" (bootmanager)
there was also menu entries for this item under "system" and also "setup".
this patch is specifically for the "add a new module" button, (even though I personally haven't loaded a module since 2016 (sound modules)).
in "which bootmanager" put the following around
Code: Select all
if test true;then #because there are so many $ALLMODULES
echo -n "$LOADEDMODULES"|tr ' ' '\n' >/tmp/bootmanager_pattern
echo -n "$ADDLIST"|tr ' ' '\n'|sed 's/:$//' >>/tmp/bootmanager_pattern
MODLIST="$MODLIST "$(echo -n "$(echo -n "$ALLMODULES"|tr ' ' '\n'|rev|cut -f1 -d/|cut -f2- -d.|rev|
grep -vxf /tmp/bootmanager_pattern|sed 's/.*/& & off/')"|tr '\n' ' ')
rm /tmp/bootmanager_pattern
this gave the exact same output, but was much faster.
I am suggesting this be merged into the official copy of the tool.