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Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:29 pm
by Jamayka24

After trying for a long time with the default Claws I gave up
as it couldn't get past Googles authorization. I had been going
direct to Gmail which is a pain as you have to enter address
and password everytime. Worse when you have more than one account.
I got Thunderbird off Menu-Setup-Synaptics-thunderbird.
Unbelievable - hands off installation -Bam! there it is in the menu-
give it the users and passes and Ok a one time permission request from Google
and done. My best experience on Puppy so far. Created a tray icon, clicked
on it and there is all the mail. Nothing to enter.
Send them a small donation, I've no connection with them.

Edit- caution, large user of drive space.

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:48 pm
by mikeslr

Hi Jamayka24,

You didn't mention which Puppy you run. But if it's a 64-bit you might like Mikewalsh's GMail "Inboxer" - portable GMail client: viewtopic.php?p=58422&sid=3d1d71cb490a9 ... 730#p58422

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:44 pm
by Jamayka24

Thanks Mike maybe after I get my printer going .
My info is at the bottom, finally, after many needed reminders :)

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:27 pm
by williwaw
Jamayka24 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:29 pm

Bam! there it is in the menu-
give it the users and passes and Ok a one time permission request from Google
and done.

Nice to see Tbird keeping up. My guess is that it is beter maintained than claws., although I prefer claws for other reasons but am not a Gmail user.
FWIW, the big corporate "free" email providers are frequently making it harder to use local email clients and thus encouraging their customers to keep all their correspondence on the corporate servers

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:10 pm
by Jamayka24

Large usage of space. ! I'm getting warnings about running out of space.
Thunderbird seems to have pulled a lot of files from gmail onto
the 32G USB stick. Just be aware. I will try 'Inboxer' soon.

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:58 pm
by Wiz57
Jamayka24 wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:10 pm

Large usage of space. ! I'm getting warnings about running out of space.
Thunderbird seems to have pulled a lot of files from gmail onto
the 32G USB stick. Just be aware. I will try 'Inboxer' soon.

Are you accessing your gmail from TB via POP3? If so, then TB will download everything in your mailboxes to your RAM, as Puppy
normally runs in RAM. My advice, if possible, to avoid this is to use the IMAP mail server if available. This allows you to access
the folders on your gmail, but leaves the mails on the gmail server. Then you mark the ones to handle as whatever, like delete spam,
move to archive folder, etc. without downloading from the server to your system, until you tell it to!
ps...same will work with other email services that offer IMAP in addition to POP3.

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:20 pm
by mikewalsh

@Jamayka24 / @mikeslr :-

Seeing the mention of "inboxer", I wouldn't bother with it. I removed it from my cloud hosting a/c - I forget which one - because the version of Electron it had been built with was complaining about being out-of-date. And when that happens, Google will no longer allow it to connect.

I only ever found it the one time, at AppImageHub. It never got updated.......and I never found it anywhere else. And I've just discovered it's another Google project that "bit the dust".....nearly FIVE years ago. :shock:

I need to remove that thread, 'cos it's just taking up bandwidth now. Thanks for refreshing my memory, Mike; I intended to do that a while back, but it kinda got forgotten about!


@Jamayka24 :-

As Wiz says, if you're using POP3 - where you keep every single email you've ever received, going back many, many years - that WOULD account for the extra space. POP3 is very old-fashioned now; it evolved in the early days of the internet, but morphed into the more user-friendly IMAP many years ago.

You could try the 'portable' build of Thunderbird. Or you could do what I do, and turn the online version of your GMail mail account into a 'desktop client', by creating a web-app from it. This is only possible with the Chromium-based clones, however. You can't do it with Firefox.

Mike. ;)

Re: Email apps - Thunderbird highly recommended

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 5:49 pm
by Jamayka24

@mikewalsh I thought POP3 only downloaded the text files- had no idea that
it would import all the attachments as well. Will have to move to a bigger
drive very soon .