My remastered initrd is too big?

versatile 64-bit multi-user Linux distribution

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My remastered initrd is too big?

Post by Thanos »

I remastered my fatdog903,the initrd file is about 800M.
When I boot it from grub2 , it crashed .
The tip message like "the initrd is too big" , "out of memory"," the magic number ...".
How can I make a very large initrd file? My memory is 32GB, the initrd is NOT big for me.

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Re: My remastered initrd is too big?

Post by step »

I suppose you could extract the base SFS from your remastered initrd, and modify the bootloader entry to boot the smaller initrd (which is obtained from the extraction) + the extracted base SFS (which is also obtained from the extraction). This technique is described in ... nitrd.html.
Alternatively, you could boot with the "initrd-nano" found in the ISO, and modify the bootloader entry adding the "mergeinitrd" boot option discussed in ... tions.html to merge the remastered initrd during the boot phase.

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