@vektor_alian :-
In my case, during my early days with Puppy - whatever the reason was! - I had a prolonged spell of Puppy's ROX 'pinboard' going AWOL at every boot. Due to my having heavily-customized desktops, this meant having to reset everything up again from scratch.....a chore with which I rapidly became disillusioned..!
I soon came to the conclusion that the best thing to do was to make a copy of the PuppyPin file - the 'dynamic', 'live' file which determines the exact coordinates, icon and function of every desktop launcher - to an external location at shutdown. Since computers are all about automation, I set everything up so that Puppy itself could automate this 'chore' for me. I also set-up a script, complete with associated Menu entry, that would "reset" the PuppyPin file back to what it was at the 'previous' shutdown IF the darned thing had gone AWOL again.
Doubtless it was something I was doing wrong myself, and NOT an inherent 'Puppy' bug. I long ago built a .pet which incorporated and installed every one of these modifications to every new Puppy I set up. This hasn't happened for years; however, these days, I have my entire first-run set-up procedure done FOR me via a script which installs/links-in every single application/externally-mounted portable application that I use on a regular basis. I fire the Puppy up for the first time; I do the initial first-run stuff; I create a save-folder, and shut down. Upon second boot, I run the 'installer' script (I have one for 64-bit Pups, and another for 32-bit Pups).
A single click, and applications/portables are all installed & linked-in, Menu entries are all set up, my desktop is set with a chosen background, icon layout, installation of pWidgets and gKrellm, JWM's tray is set-up precisely the way I like it. Yes, I DO like 'consistency'; most of my Pups are very similar in appearance - I create all my own desktop backgrounds from scratch, including 'drawing-in' the home-brewed 'docks' I first developed under Win XP.
I'm well aware that for many folks, half the 'fun' comes from setting-up and customizing an OS to suit yourself. Well, so it still is for me.....but these days, I let automation take the tedium out of it!
Why bother with using a computer in the first place if you DON'T automate what you can? And Marv's response above illustrates this perfectly; just because YOU may be perfectly happy with a specific solution, it doesn't automatically follow that someone else will necessarily be satisfied with the way it works. We ALL have different goals/expectations/requirements for our computing experience.
Welcome to the wonderful world of scripting....