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Problem when downloading files (destination folder in other partition)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:08 am
by pp4mnklinux

This problem happens with all my browsers (FF, Opera, Chromium, Chrome, Slimjet, Midory...) when downloading.

I have differente partitions in my disks, and I use sda5 as the destination folder when downloading.

Sometime ago, I asked at this forum a question about how to mount automatically this partition when booting, so it was active when downloading (if you take a look at the photo, you will see this partition with the yellow square and the red cross showint it as mounted)

The problem is when I download.

I have configured browsers to automatically download to this location, but as u can see, they can't download the file (insufficient rights).

I tried to "always choose the download folder" and when I choose this folder, the same error happens.

If I chose other folder at this disk (for instance, DOWNLOADS) there is no problem, so this make me think the error is that although is shown as MOUNTED, this partition is not mounted, so...

What do u think the error could be?

How can I solve this?

n.b.- I choose other partition when downloading because I need this for order my work.

N.b.- The procedure I followed to mount partitions at boot is the one indicated at this post:

viewtopic.php?p=124442&hilit=mount+part ... t#p124442

EasyOs 6.1.1 (but it happened before updating, so it is not due to the update)

Thanks a lot.

Re: Problem when downloading files (destination folder in other partition)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:06 pm
by BarryK

Give /mnt/sda5 permissions so that the browsers can save to it (or do it to whatever folder inside /mnt/sda5 that you want to save to, say for example /mnt/sda5/downloads):

Code: Select all

# chown root:filesgrp /mnt/sda5/downloads
# chmod 2770 /mnt/sda5/downloads

Re: Problem when downloading files (destination folder in other partition)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:51 pm
by pp4mnklinux
BarryK wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:06 pm

Give /mnt/sda5 permissions so that the browsers can save to it (or do it to whatever folder inside /mnt/sda5 that you want to save to, say for example /mnt/sda5/downloads):

Code: Select all

# chown root:filesgrp /mnt/sda5/downloads
# chmod 2770 /mnt/sda5/downloads

Thanks a lot, now I'm travelling and I am really busy till 6th August.

I'll try as soon I'll go back home.

I hope it works, 😉

Re: Problem when downloading files (destination folder in other partition)

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:23 am
by pp4mnklinux

Hi @BarryK

First of all, I tested your solution but I'm "locked", because when I wrote the code

Code: Select all

chown root:filesgrp/mnt/sda5/1_internet_downloads

I don't know what option must I wrote to make this folder user write/read ?¿?¿?

Code: Select all

# chown root:filesgrp/mnt/sda5/1_internet_downloads
BusyBox v1.36.1 (2023-05-18 22:31:00 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: chown [-RhLHPcvf]... USER[:[GRP]] FILE...

Change the owner and/or group of FILEs to USER and/or GRP

	-h	Affect symlinks instead of symlink targets
	-L	Traverse all symlinks to directories
	-H	Traverse symlinks on command line only
	-P	Don't traverse symlinks (default)
	-R	Recurse
	-c	List changed files
	-v	Verbose
	-f	Hide errors

___________________________________________after this.... ________________________________________

...I tried other options knowing where is the problem to make the download folder user read/write so (as you can see at the image) I go to the icon of the partition where my download folder is I right click on this folder and chose Dir '1_internet_downloads' and the option Permissions and I modified them to u+rw (Give owner read+write) but this message appears:
Change permissions of '/mnt/sda5/1_internet_downloads'? Yes
ERROR: Read-only file system

There was one error.

But what surprise me the most, is that from this momment downloads are correct and they go to my destination folder, so I save session, restart, but... changes are not permantent, so I must do it again if I wanna download to this folder, so the SOLUTION is HOW TO made this change permanent, and this way the problem will dissapear (I think)

Please, don't worry about this, because the "damage" is minimum, so I'll download to the default download folder for EasyOs, and when I need to organice them I will use PCMANFM and the problem will dissapear, haha ;)

Thanks a lot.