Problem when downloading files (destination folder in other partition)
This problem happens with all my browsers (FF, Opera, Chromium, Chrome, Slimjet, Midory...) when downloading.
I have differente partitions in my disks, and I use sda5 as the destination folder when downloading.
Sometime ago, I asked at this forum a question about how to mount automatically this partition when booting, so it was active when downloading (if you take a look at the photo, you will see this partition with the yellow square and the red cross showint it as mounted)
The problem is when I download.
I have configured browsers to automatically download to this location, but as u can see, they can't download the file (insufficient rights).
I tried to "always choose the download folder" and when I choose this folder, the same error happens.
If I chose other folder at this disk (for instance, DOWNLOADS) there is no problem, so this make me think the error is that although is shown as MOUNTED, this partition is not mounted, so...
What do u think the error could be?
How can I solve this?
n.b.- I choose other partition when downloading because I need this for order my work.
N.b.- The procedure I followed to mount partitions at boot is the one indicated at this post:
viewtopic.php?p=124442&hilit=mount+part ... t#p124442
EasyOs 6.1.1 (but it happened before updating, so it is not due to the update)
Thanks a lot.