Questions about booting Easy OS with GRUB boot menu
1st some info:
Been using linux (mostly Xubuntu) 4 years now, but (vision/headaches/health/etc) still really don't like terminal, prefer GUI where possible. [tiny print too hard 2 read!]
[if some of these R in wrong section, where to ask?]
oh, mostly use XFCE desktop, but willing to try others IF readability ok & easy to find everything.
(VERY new to Easy OS, only tried ?x years ago?)
1) Is there just "Easyos" or is there "Easyos" & a puppy "EasyOS"?
[pretty sure TRIED: "EasyOS--IMG"; [won't boot] FOUND, now need to try: "easypup"]
"EasyOS"--.img file; "easypup" ISO file ----but should GRUB boot both? different setup?
if it won't boot w USB, does that mean won't boot w GRUB?
2) Have never been able to boot Easy OS from USB (this computer) Not sure why; no error msgs, shows up & reads just fine. (Linux-Xubuntu reads USB)
3) have read several, including: ... oot-loader
but STILL MAJOR problems, only thing been able to boot that way, Clonezilla (gave up using OMG WAY WAY too SMALL PRINT!)
4) Has anyone loaded Easyos-ISO, from GRUB boot menu, & if so, EXACTLY how?!?
5) Supposedly puppy can "multi-boot" ---boot several "puppies" from same partition (mult ISOs?)
Detials? HOW setup? [use GRUB menu?
This would B great, could actively use 1-2, while trying some others... (but again, MUST BOOT!)
6) anyone familiar with "sys rescue CD"?
Been using for YEARS, Boots off USB, (but only in 1 slot this computer?!?) anyway...
IDEALLY, would like to be able to add their ISO to the GRUB boot menu, but many many tries nothing works!
Would be happy to find something to replace that (permanent install?) for example, puppy x /EasyOS ? BUT 1st need to be able to 1) BOOT the bloody thing (ideally w GRUB), & 2) SAVE a few basic things. (like screen size, 1st thing boot "sys Rescue" -1 dvork keyboard -2 GUI 3- resolution. (too high = unreadable! Even some DE (Desktop env) make this very hard to change! (or flat out doesn't work)
7) Idea "puppy" : --very small -incl basic utilities (Gparted, Featherpad (hate vi omg!) TERMINAL MUST be easy to adjust FONT size! (XFCE terminal has good options) 1024x768 res (at boot would b best, or easy to adjust (fairly quick w "Sys Recue CD) -otherwise, bare bones min; [need for mount/unmount/check/etc ROOT partition; also some Gparted stuff]
WAY 2 easy make mistakes---mostly write out/edit stuff, then copy/paste to terminal;
Anyway, if Easy not best OS, what is?
(wanted to try "Saluki" & "NOP (No Office Pup) " but still looking for DL links; )
Oh, sidenote: have "ISO-MASTER" (won't open .img files) but only help if know exactly what to do.
Ideal: (for EasyOS)
-boot from GRUB boot menu
-boot with: res 1024x768; Eng-DVORK keyboard. (sys-recue CD ask for keyboard during boot, still trying to figure out how to SAVE that! lol))
If anyone can answer any of those Qs, thanks very much!