Here's a bit of desktop "silliness" for those of you that like such frippery. This has been around since Unix days, before Linux even existed...
(Originally called just Neko, this was re-named sometime back in the 90's:- This particular 'port' has been re-named Oneko-sakura, because there's apparently other characters available besides the cat...)
Oneka-sakura, when you launch it from Menu->Fun, will turn your mouse cursor into a 'literal' mouse.....and moments later, a tiny white cat (Oneko) appears, and begins to chase the mouse all over the desktop.....anywhere your cursor goes. When Oneko catches the mouse, he goes to sleep on top of it. As soon as you move the cursor/mouse, Oneko wakes up and starts chasing it again. Apparently, the Oneko 'sprite' has been 'borrowed' by hundreds of game engines over the years, so don't be surprised if Oneko looks familiar..!
One of our regulars over at BleepingComputer mentioned this yesterday. I tracked down a copy over at /ubuntu/pool, in the 'Universe' repo, and 'petted' it.
This doesn't have an 'off switch', as such. It's killed by the closure or re-loading of whatever window it's started in. If started from the terminal, Oneko can only chase the mouse inside the terminal. Close it, and Oneko's gone. Same thing applies to any window that's in focus at the time you start this.
If Oneko is started when on the desktop without anything else open, the only way to kill Oneko is to re-start 'X'.
(I think that's right, anyway. The man page takes you to a URL in your default browser, and the site's a bit awkward to navigate around...)
[Click to enlarge:-]

I've attached both 32- and 64-bit .pets for this below. Being statically-compiled, it appears to run fine in all the Pups I've tried it in, 32-bit & 64-bit alike. Have fun!
