I test new builds booting an ISO image in VM. However, lately ISOs are not provided.
So I patched up a little script to transform an IMG file to ISO and used the frequently changing vanilladpup 11 development builds as a test case.
To use expand the tarball (make sure img_to_iso.sh has execute permissions) in a place with at least 6GB free space, cd to the created folder and run ./img_to_iso.sh <version_nuber>
where <version number> is the latest UEFI compressed image found in https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... 86_64-11.0
If all goes well you'll get an ISO with the same name after few minutes, depending on your connection speed.
Please DO NOT report any issues found in these builds in the vanilladpup11 thread unless you can reproduce them with an installation recommended/accepted by the developer.
Edit: removed -x option in script
Edit2: Removed attachment. see below