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[SOLVED] Forget "The hunt for Red October"; this is the hunt for an apparently non-existent icon... (lol)

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 3:25 pm
by mikewalsh

Afternoon, gang.

I need some help here. Rare that I ask for it, but no; even I don't know it all (I'm actually still a 'noob' in disguise!) :lol:

I'm trying to locate an - apparently! - non-existent mimetype icon in Tahrpup64, and a few other older Puppies. When I say "non-existent", I don't mean that it's missing, because it's very much in use.....but I am HANGED if I can track it down. I've looked in all the standard locations:-


.....but it is NOWHERE to be found. I'm talking about this one:-


.....the executable mime-type icon in use by Pups up to & including Tahrpup/Tahrpup64.

In Puppies from Xenialpup onwards, that icon changed, to the flat grey one everybody is now used to:-

Image and this one for the mimetype association:- Image

Now; because I run dark themes in all my Pups, this flat grey 'gearwheel' is all but I found a nice SVG image online to replace it with:-


So; everything's hunky-dory, right? Um.....mostly, yes.....but not quite. This is where the head-scratching begins!


The location for these two seems to have been "standardised" sometime between Tahrpup and Xenialpup. "Execute.svg" and "application-x-executable.svg" (this is the mime-type associative one) both live in /usr/share/icons/PuppyStandard, in the 'scalable' directory; the former in 'actions', the latter under 'mimetypes'. One restart of "X" later - after swapping them over, and everything's the way I want it. Every Pup from Xenialpup/Xenialpup64 onward now has the icons I want it to use. But Tahrpup, well.....

The Tahrs have this 'PuppyStandard' directory in the correct location, okay? BUT; Phil B obviously never set his creations to actually use these icons in this location, because they're using the older silvery-coloured 'gearwheel' icon. Even after replacing the appropriate icons, and followed by not just a restart of "X" but also a re-boot - just to make sure, like! - those silvery-coloured icons are STILL there. But where are they reading from? Puppy has to be reading those mimetype icons from somewhere.......but where are they? 'Cos I've looked in every image/icon location I can think of (and several that only occurred to me later last night).......and do you think I can find 'em? Nope!!! So; where ARE they?

The issue is the same in many older Puppies. No sign at all of the associative mime-type icons that are clearly in use, yet mysteriously nowhere to be found.....

Anybody have any sensible info/advice to impart, guys? This is driving me nuts..!!

Mike. ;)

Re: Forget "The hunt for Red October"; this is the hunt for an apparently non-existent icon... (lol)

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:13 pm
by williams2

Rox is a Rox Application Directory

Everything is in that dir.

Look inside the dir, particularly in


Also icons (and symlinks) might be in


Re: [SOLVED] Forget "The hunt for Red October"; this is the hunt for an apparently non-existent icon... (lol)

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 5:35 pm
by mikewalsh

@williams2 :-

Hah. I' I would never have thought of looking in there. Not if I lived to be a thousand!

That's definitely it. That IS where the darned thing is hiding. Thank YOU, young sir. That is very much appreciated. Of course, I began my Puppy journey right at the very start of Woof-CE, so I didn't really have much - if any - in the way of experience with the older build-systems and construction methods.

It wouldn't have been /root/.icons. Well; it could, I suppose.....but these days it's almost exclusively used by cursor themes. Things have got moved round a bit from where they used to be in some of the older Pups.

And I've learnt summat else today, too. That ROX-filer is itself a ROX-app; at least, it is in Puppy. Aye, it's one revelation after another today...!! Hee-hee.... :lol: :lol:

That's made me a happy bunny. Cheers! :thumbup:

Mike. :D

Re: [SOLVED] Forget "The hunt for Red October"; this is the hunt for an apparently non-existent icon... (lol)

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:32 pm
by williams2

and, of course, the Rox configuration dirs

$HOME/Choices/ and in $HOME/.config/