Bookwormpup10.0.7 has been released (has a new Debian 12 base) & not only does the taskbar thermometer not change for me, but locating the correct file to display cpu temp is now obscure. All my previous cputemp programs will now fail with this pup. Need a more generic way to do this. So, this program searches hwmon0 -> hwmon5 folders & within them temp0_input -> temp4_input, finds the temp & displays that location ever after. Not ideal, but at least it's a guide. If unhappy with auto-selection (i.e. temp doesn't change), can edit
/root/.config/pmcputemp/pmcputemprc , & restart X, allowing re-detection - may need to do this later if PC was very cold upon .pet install. Tested OK in s15pup64-240706 & BookwormPup64-10.0.7. Need to restart X after install to activate. Use at own risk.
20Feb2025 - see v0.9s, further down - does the search in reverse, as cpu temps often not first item found.