Black Screen After GPU Driver Install

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Black Screen After GPU Driver Install

Post by jp734 »

Finally was able to give KLV-Airedale v13 a try. First impression. Love it. Fast boot and of course the nice lightweight XFCE. I must admit though. There's something about me when it comes to "originality". To me, puppy linux is about those icon layout on the desktop and JWM. Without them, I feel like I'm cheating on puppy :lol:

With that said, I like this distro, but for me, the first thing I always do before installing every software I want/need is to install the GPU driver. After I installed the NVidia driver, and I tried both the 390 and 470, I get black screens after reboot. /var/log/Xorg.0.log says:

  • it's using the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d directory

  • No Layout Section

  • No Screen section available

and this is after I tried creating a /etc/X11/xorg.conf (first), then tried creating configuration files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d folder when it failed. And it keep insisting on using the nouveau driver even after it's been blacklisted.


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