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CodeLite / SSH Server SFS availability

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 7:46 pm
by slowmo_emt

I've been looking around in for packages related to OpenSSH Server and CodeLite. I can't seem to find them. There's too many subdirectories. Does anyone know where I can get a CodeLite and OpenSSH Server SFS.
I am using the F96-CE_4 Puppy install... Thanks

Re: CodeLite / SSH Server SFS availability

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:37 am
by slowmo_emt

Never mind. I was trying to configure a cheap laptop for development so I wouldn't need to take my expensive laptops thru Baltimore, and still be able to work on a project remotely. No such luck. Linux aggravated me so much I folded that laptop in half and threw it outside as far as I could. I'm probably going to get murdered carrying around a massive gaming laptop in Baltimore, because everyone only needs 14'' + laptops these days. Nice knowing everyone.