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Sunset at Sea background

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:51 pm
by rockedge

A friend coming back from fishing out on the Grand Banks heading to Bridgeport, Connecticut harbor. I added a 55% transparent layer of black to darken for improved icon contrast.


Screenshot(46).jpg (66.43 KiB) Viewed 722 times

Re: Sunset at Sea background

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:03 pm
by geo_c

What we should do is put a version of my Tbox in a universal KLV layer, maybe 20tbox-fonts, which could be a non package manager connected layer containing extra fonts, themes, backgrounds, but not icons, as they are quite big.

It could in fact pretty easily contain backgrounds for all KL's. Thereby allowing you as the developer to simply work with the layer loaded and have all the library available.

If you were to add to and edit the library, then you could simply resquash the layer, add a desciptor in the file, and post it. Like 20tbox-fonts-v2.rockedge,

then I could pick it back up and put it in the top of the forum post, something like that. We have a central place for all our work. I suppose if certain KL is based on github now, then perhaps that would be a better option. Don't know.

Re: Sunset at Sea background

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 6:02 pm
by rockedge

@geo_c I agree it's a great idea. I am going to start experimenting with it on a KLV-Airedale-sr14 QEMU machine.

Trying out some arrangements and checking if an additional optional SFS layer can be put together with icons and backgrounds featured for enhanced customization.

Might not work as expected but only testing it out will tell...... :ugeek: :thumbup2: