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Problem downloading and using Telegram messenger.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:54 am
by cobaka

I want to download and use Telegram messenger.
I started here: ... oad#p24562

I followed a series of links to a page about installing snapd.
The link:

From that page I read I must use the terminal to get/install snapd.
That is suggested at the bottom of the page mentioned above.
The command: sudo snap install snapd.

Trying this I get: sudo: snap: command not found
using "which" I confirm 'snap' is not on my PC.

Any suggestions about what to do?

Re: downloading and using Telegram messenger.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:04 pm
by pp4mnklinux

I used it as app.
I used it as web.

As app, I downloaded a .tar.gz file, uncompress it in opt folder an run telegtam as exe.


My vote goes to the web page. I added telegram to my page speed and start browsing.

What do you think, is better a soft or the browser??

Re: downloading and using Telegram messenger.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:42 pm
by mikewalsh

@cobaka :-

Les, I take it you ARE aware that you must already have Telegram up-and-running on a second device BEFORE you can sign-in on the first one?

Older versions just used to let you sign-in with your phone number. More recent versions now insist on sending a confirmation code to your 'other device' before it will even launch.....and if you don't HAVE an 'other device', then you can forget it.

I used to be able to run it as a standalone app just on the PC. Because of the requirement for needing to already have it running on a 'second device' - and not possessing a smartphone! :shock: - I can no longer use it. The entire security model is predicated on two instances of the app being open simultaneously, on two different devices, with each validating & verifying the other....

Just thought it worth mentioning!

Mike. ;)

Re: Problem downloading and using Telegram messenger.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 1:30 am
by cobaka


I take it you ARE aware that you must already have Telegram up-and-running on a second device BEFORE you can sign-in on the first one?

No, Mike, I'm naive wrt installing packages etc. More on that topic in another place. [Naive == lacking knowledge or experience. In modern talk: a newbie, but I prefer good 'ol Anglo-Saxon words & grammar.]

First - I saw this:

(screen grab - install telegram)

install_telegram-screen_grab.jpg (74.79 KiB) Viewed 160 times

NOTE: I am running FossaPup.
Distro Name from Pupsysinfo: fossapup64 9.6 (x86_64)

In the screen-grab above, I read: about Ubuntu versions. I'm not running Focal Fossa. (That's my understanding - just FossaPup.)
Using terminal, I ask:
# which snap
OK - I don't have snap (or my Fossa doesn't have snap ...)

That means the next step (shown in the screen-grab above) won't work.
Reading further down the screen-grab I discover I don't have apt in my system.
# which apt
Question: Whence getteth I "apt"?
Is it available in Puppy Packet Manager? menu -> setup -> Packet Manager NG <click>
Answer: No
apt - where is it?
Anybody: help!
Additional info - welcome here


Re: Problem downloading and using Telegram messenger.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 2:29 am
by mikewalsh

@cobaka :-

i believe @wiak put together an experimental SFS package that - amongst other things - added the 'apt' capability into Fossapup64. That's about all I know of it; hopefully, somebody else - probably wiak himself! - can put some 'meat' on the bones of that bald statement for you..... :D

However; if you click directly on the 'Download Telegram' button (NOT 'Snap' or 'Flatpak' underneath it!), what you'll get is a tarball. If you unzip it, you'll get a directory with two items inside it; Telegram, and its updater. Keep the directory as-is; move it anywhere you like - just as with the 'portables' I produce - and run it by clicking on the 'telegram' item.

All things being equal, it should fire up.

Mike. ;)