Rox file manager copying large files (how to know when complete)
Copying large files in Rox file manager, may appear complete when it is not.
This is an issue with very large files and slow media (older hard drives, USB drives, etc....)
Rox file manager does copying in a two step process.
1. The copy is first written to RAM.
2. From RAM then written to the target media.
Rox just shows the first step, and will appear to show copy is complete, but it is still doing the copy from RAM to the target media.
For USB drives.
If you remove a USB drive being copied to, before the copy has been completely written.
It can end up with a corrupted drive and a not completed copy.
How do you know copying is complete for a USB drive?
1. If drive has an activity light. Wait for the light to stop blinking.
2. Right click on the desktop drive icon, for the USB drive partition being copied to, and choose UN-mount.
It will refuse to UN-mount, until the copying is complete. (indicated by the mount symbol on the right top corner of the icon)
When it will UN-mount. (mount symbol is gone)
You know it is finished doing the copy.
This also applies to any drive partitions a copy is being written too.
If Rox is still writing to it.
It will not UN-mount until writing is completed.