Baffling pavucontrol update buggy in RC1

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Baffling pavucontrol update buggy in RC1

Post by geo_c »

Right now I'm downloading Spectr SR1, because somehow I failed to do that this busy spring. I'll be looking to build an audio system with it.

But I've been carefully running updates on RC-1 for quite awhile, and this last round has caused a baffling failure of pavucontrol to connect to pulse audio server, a similar problem I remember having in one of the earlier versions.

I'll try to explain succinctly.

I squashed a system-updated 07rootfs from PFI on 2024-05-22, which currently runs smoothly on all machines.

On 2024-06-14 I updated my PFI and squashed a new rootfs and copied from one machine to two others. Pavucontrol works fine on those two machines, but the update seems to have broken it on this machine where it was squashed.

That's the baffling part. I'm booting this same 07rootfs without any added upper_changes, and pavucontrol works on the two target machines, but not on the source.

So I rolled this machine back to the 2024-05-22 07rootfs and it works as expected. Then I unsquashed the 5-22fs and made a new PFI, did a system update, and that broke it straight away. Pavucontrol just hangs at the connecting to pulse audio server.

The two working machines aside, could it be that RC-1 is setup a little differently than RC-2 and SR-1? I booted RC-2, did an update and pavucontrol seemed to work. Pavucontrol is also working just fine in a newly updated Airedale.

This is just a report, and being that I build my systems up contiinually, it could be anything. Still baffled why the identical 2024-06-14 updated rootfs pavucontrol works on some machines and not this one, they are all using the 6.1.38-RT kernel.

But on all the Spectrs I booted on all machines, one thing I noticed is pavucontrol is not using the gtk theme anymore. Wondering if they have it looking for gtk4. I don't have any Spectr gtk4 configs.

Tried run-as-spot from the terminal, and just pavucontrol from terminal, and get this output:
(And I should add that audio is working, just not the pavucontrol)

Code: Select all

bash-5.2# run-as-spot pavucontrol
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

Failed to load cookie file from cookie: Permission denied

bash-5.2# pavucontrol
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1


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Re: Baffling pavucontrol update buggy in RC1

Post by geo_c »

Following up, I've been experimenting booting:


on a fairly old Dell Precision laptop, which is my main system building machine. This is the machine that has trouble with pavucontrol whereas two other machines don't, using the very same 07rootfs.

But a different issue comes up with this machine using rc2 and sr1. That issue is I can't poweroff or logout, either with menu @Sofiya included, or using command line. I have to do a hard shutdown with the power button.

sr1 uses 6.8.1_1 kernel and 6.6.10 modules, and rc2 uses 6.7.41 kernel and 6.6.10 modules. I'm guessing it would be the modules that give this machine problems.

I also notice with both these versions that it takes a very long time for devices to settle on boot.

Just a report. No need for a "fix."

I'm actually content running my rc1 05-22 07rootfs with the 6.1.38-RT kernel, and just not running a system update. I don't seem to mind when I'm running puppy not updating. Certain merits to that approach!

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Re: Baffling pavucontrol update buggy in RC1

Post by rockedge »

But I've been carefully running updates on RC-1 for quite awhile, and this last round has caused a baffling failure of pavucontrol to connect to pulse audio server, a similar problem I remember having in one of the earlier versions.

Yes I remember it also in earlier versions. Ran across it quite a bit during the first phases of going with a pulseaudio-pipewire-wireplumber configuration.

Though at the moment I can't think of a unified fix for it or what we did to get it going. Right now I am seeing the same problem with pavucontrol connecting to the pulseaudio server as I try out creating a F96-CE_5. Still open on that situation as the update process goes forward but seems stalled at the moment.

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Re: Baffling pavucontrol update buggy in RC1

Post by rockedge »

@geo_c Just received a brand new update so maybe......

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