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USB DVD not showing in Bionicpup
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:32 pm
by Flea64
Should I see an icon pop up when I power up the DVD? (I don't.)
Plugged into USB port.. It worked on Puppy 5.28 a few years ago and was set aside.
Is the player suddenly bad or is there something I need to do with the Bionic Puppy?
Re: DVD video play
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:04 am
by OscarTalks
Is this 64bit or 32bit BionicPup?
Perhaps you can say a little more about the DVD drive?
I tested my Samsung external USB optical drive.
No drive icon when connecting the empty drive (as expected). When I insert a DVD disc the drive icon sr1 appears.
Clicking it gives the dialog box that this appears to be a video DVD and asking if I want to play it, but when I click the Play button it does NOT play.
If I insert the DVD into the internal optical drive the icon sr0 appears. If I click this I get the dialog box and when I click the Play button it DOES play (in MPV as expected). So there may be some sort of bug with playing DVD's via external USB drives or players. I tried doing all quickpet updates, no change.
Drive icon sr1 again appears when DVD is inserted. Again the dialog box appears and clicking the Play button WORKS (in Gnome MPlayer) with the external USB optical drive.
Re: USB DVD not showing in Bionicpup
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:49 am
by bigpup
Always tell us the exact Puppy version full name and version.
Check this:
menu->System->Puppy Event Manager->Rox Icons
Make sure:
show desktop icons for each drive is selected.
show desktop icons for each partition is selected.
Re: USB DVD not showing in Bionicpup
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:38 pm
by Flea64
I found the problem and, thankyou for the advice!
"Headgear" didn't supply a power supply instead a cable with 2 USB connections; I picked the wrong one (it had no signal connections). Am using a "wall wart" instead of the "Frankenstien cable"..
Consider the problem resolved. Watched a DVD...