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File-conversion utility for the WebM/WebP project...

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:49 pm
by mikewalsh

Afternoon, gang.

Now; originally, this was only for conversion between the .webp static images & .png/.jpg formats, as posted about here:-


It uses Google's own publicly available binaries/libs, which have been available since the early days of the project, more than a decade ago. I got to thinking; although .webm - a 'sister' component of the same project - has been in use for some years now (and many media players are now quite happy with it), some still prefer .mp4 (for whatever reason). So, I've added WebM-to-Mp4 conversion (and back the other way) into the utility.

This part uses ffmpeg for the video conversion; Google don't appear to have released publicly-available tools for this side of things, but the Ffmpeg Project has been working with it almost since it was first announced. It's just an 'addition' to this utility, given that WebM/WebP are both part of the same Google project anyway:-



Most modern Pups/Dogs, etc, have this support built-in as standard now, so this utility is really for folks running somewhat older Pups where this support is not there......Xenialpup64/Tahrpup 64, mainly (not sure about Bionicpup64; haven't yet investigated it).


I use John van Sickle's 'static' builds of ffmpeg with these older Pups, which works great with them & really modernises this aspect of media manipulation. NOTE:- I'm the first to admit that I'm hardly a 'guru' when it comes to using ffmpeg, so some DuckDuckGo-fu yesterday revealed some suitable scripts over at StackExchange. I've tested them thoroughly, and have selected the best two for the conversions each way.



Fire-up the utility, and an empty ROX-filer window opens alongside it. Drag whatever you want to convert into this window, then run the appropriate operation on it. The converted item will appear alongside it. You'll probably want to rename it, too.

You'll notice two additional buttons. "MediaPlayer" & "ImageViewer" will launch your preferred apps for viewing the converted files; obviously, whatever image viewer you choose will need support for .webp files. Currently I have these set to mpv for the media-player - this is built-in to many modern Pups anyway, so it's as good as any - and it works with drag'n'drop. The image viewer is currently set to gThumb - a small, lightweight image viewer & basic editor, readily available thru whatever package manager you're using - which has had native .webp support for many years. Again, drag'n'drop is supported.

If you want to change the 'default' apps, just rt-clk -> Look inside the ROX-app, and edit the two scripts, 'media-player-select' & 'imageviewer-select'. AFAIK, pretty much ALL media players and image viewers support drag'n'drop these days.


As always, if anybody wants to take a look at this, it's available here:- ... bP-convert

  • Download

  • Unzip

  • Put it anywhere ya like

  • Click on the ROX-app to launch it

Easy-peasy! Enjoy....

Mike. ;)