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Friendlier KLs with Hyprland

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:22 am
by Clarity

In this "KL-Dev_Work" forum area, this is for the developers of KLs.

Hyprland has gained traction in the KL community. BUT, it is a 'sharp' departure from the traditional desktop and menu subsystem new and transitioning users have seen before. For intelligent use, I think, this suggestion may be useful to increase/accelerate new users who venture to try a offering with Hyprland.

To make things simpler and easy for new users, do you (developers) think that upon a pristine desktop to open a window with keyboard commands listed as well as a window with the OOTB applications. To starts an improved method of assisting a new to Hyprland use as well as accelerates the KL distro's acceptance and adoption, IMHO viewing this from a new Windows user perspective coming to the KL adventure.

If this is reasonable, it will appear in future KLs with Hyprland.