My Fossapup64 changes
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:01 pm
I just wanna make some notes of the changes I made to my Fossapup64 install, in case anyone cares.
I have saved all my dotfiles for Fossapup64 to ... apup64-9.5
These dotfiles would interest a terminal nerd or maybe a puppy dev.
It has a big README.
It includes:
- `mlterm`, with tmux style hsplit and vsplit stuff built-in!
- `micro` - modern text editor in terminal, called `micro`, with multi cursor select, etc (like Sublime et al)
- `nerd-fonts` - icons in terminal ("DejaVaSansMono" replaced by "DejaVaSansMono Nerd Font" )
- `fzf` - fuzzy finding and searching (using fzf, with many add-ons, some by me)
- `pkgmenu` - custom terminal UI for Pkg, called pkgmenu, uses fzf for fast searching/filtering
- `man` and `manpages` - replacements for pman, much fast and nicer, use wget and w3m
- lots and lots of ffmpeg shell scripts, each does a specific job (not heavily tested)
- many more cool shell scripts in $HOME/bin/
- lots of "git aware" and super-fast apps installed (bat, fd, exa, fzf, etc)
- waaaay more to list, see the README
I have saved all my dotfiles for Fossapup64 to ... apup64-9.5
These dotfiles would interest a terminal nerd or maybe a puppy dev.
It has a big README.
It includes:
- `mlterm`, with tmux style hsplit and vsplit stuff built-in!
- `micro` - modern text editor in terminal, called `micro`, with multi cursor select, etc (like Sublime et al)
- `nerd-fonts` - icons in terminal ("DejaVaSansMono" replaced by "DejaVaSansMono Nerd Font" )
- `fzf` - fuzzy finding and searching (using fzf, with many add-ons, some by me)
- `pkgmenu` - custom terminal UI for Pkg, called pkgmenu, uses fzf for fast searching/filtering
- `man` and `manpages` - replacements for pman, much fast and nicer, use wget and w3m
- lots and lots of ffmpeg shell scripts, each does a specific job (not heavily tested)
- many more cool shell scripts in $HOME/bin/
- lots of "git aware" and super-fast apps installed (bat, fd, exa, fzf, etc)
- waaaay more to list, see the README