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Mediatek Wifi Issue -- 5.8.3 Edition [Solved]

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 6:32 pm
by hnw

First off, I again want to thank @caramel for literally building the driver when I brought up the same question, which can be found here, for some background info: viewtopic.php?p=113966#p113966

I updated to 5,8 and due to the Kernel change, wifi stopped working. Obviously just coping the driver to the same location on the build version was not going to work. So I have a couple of questions:

1. On 5.8.3, I noticed that there is a RealTek driver, as a PET in the package manager, and was just curious is that may be able to help. I just upgraded last night and in order for me to have internet on this machine --since it works on 5.7 but not 5.8+, I have to get and extend a cable across my living-room to this PC. Have not had the chance to do that yet, so I thought to ask here, first. Albeit I will be doing just that a bit later, when I have more time. I am currently on that machine but on 5.7 and installed it out of curiosity but since Wifi is already working, so nothing change on the surface. Did not really expected it to. I will try on 5.8.3. I seem to recall trying it before when I first installed 5.7 but it did not improve things and I wanted to ask what it does.

2. Downloading the driver and running make does not work due to how EasyOS has been setup. I tried it along with other people here and it always failed, even if when downloading and using devx.sfs. Building the driver on say Debian is no problem. @Caramel helped me by building the driver in MX Linux. Is that the process I have to do on every Kernel change on EasyOS? Or is there an easier or faster path?

Cheers, and thanks in advance.

Re: Mediatek Wifi Issue -- 5.8.3 Edition

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 3:29 pm
by Caramel
hnw wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:32 pm

2. Downloading the driver and running make does not work due to how EasyOS has been setup. I tried it along with other people here and it always failed, even if when downloading and using devx.sfs. Building the driver on say Debian is no problem. @Caramel helped me by building the driver in MX Linux.

More precisely I built in MX Linux and then in EasyOS observing how it worked in MX Linux. To compil a module the kernel sources must be installed.
Alas installing the sources available on is not sufficient.
Additional files are necessary. To make sure I have them all, I compiled the kernel following the instructions provided. It was very long

So now I want try differently
This is a result. As there have been many steps with errors , retrys and warnings. I don't know what it's worth ... 39fc034d35

If it works, i will explain more.

Re: Mediatek Wifi Issue -- 5.8.3 Edition

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:48 pm
by Caramel
Caramel wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 3:29 pm

i will explain more.

In the source directory, you use the command

Code: Select all

make olddefconfig && make prepare

to add neccesary files to the compilation of a module.

Good news : in the new Scarthgap-series, the kernel sources are available as a sfs file to install in the main desktop with sfsget. All the necessary files seem to be provided

Re: Mediatek Wifi Issue -- 5.8.3 Edition

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:41 pm
by hnw

Hi @Caramel, and thank yo again for taking the time to help! Thank you. I had been away for a bit and then Summer/Life here took took over, eating most of my time time. However, I wanted to come back and give you a quick update.

As you know, 6.1.1 came out and you are quite correct, they are there. Also, as per Barry, if one does the clean update of just replacing the SFS along the other two, settings and the same usability from 5.7 and 5.8+ do carry over to Scarthgap. I can enjoy the latest version of EasyOS with working WIFI on this machine and out-of-the box, as it were, which is great. I really like this project and really want it to make it my daily driver for most things. I appreciate how light it feels and how it makes any computer I put it on fly, ran it on my newest laptop via USB and it is just ridiculously nimble.

Again, thanks, it's appreciated.
