KLV-Hyprland-CE-5.5 stable (v.Hyprland-0.40.0_1 )
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KLV-Hyprland-CE-5.5 stable (v.Hyprland-0.40.0_1 )
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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Test Doesn't work on Void, only works on Arch
Code: Select all
image {
path = /home/spot/.config/picture.png
size = 160
rounding = -1
border_size = 1
border_color = $color1
position = 0, 76
halign = center
valign = center
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Hard Disk Sentinel-gui
* Hard Disk Sentinel 64-bit
HDSentinel_gui-0.20_1.x86_64.xbps ->> https://github.com/sofijacom/Hard-Disk- ... tag/v0.20b
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
YouTube Music - AppImage
https://mega.nz/file/pnFW3RSA#luLGaCwky ... 0o3qhvmxps
Code: Select all
[Desktop Entry]
Name=YouTube Music
StartupWMClass=YouTube Music
Comment=YouTube Music Desktop App - including custom plugins
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
YouTube Music - AppImage
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Neovim - NormalNvim https://github.com/NormalNvim/NormalNvim
with color syntax highlighting
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
YouTube Music - AppImage v3.3.10 - Without advertising
Themes: Midnight Indigo.css
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Waybar - Golden_Noir
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Test: notifications using "swaync"
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
added volume control slider
full player control .play, pause, next song, previous song
notice: Test in progress
The top image is the original, but with added code
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
I like this option too
information will be visible on any wallpaper . because there is no transparency
Honestly, I'm obsessed with transparency.
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
added shadow, rounded corners
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Something like this
unless some quirk comes to visit me, and I’ll scam something again
I made the button for erasing notifications round, I didn’t like the square one.
I think this is a great option, what do you think?.You can, of course, put a lot of stuff in there, but I think there’s no point.
I think the option is like barr and like notifications it’s the best.we will have a cool Hyprland.
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
if two players are enabled, you can scroll through them and select the one you need
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
I think this is a great option, what do you think?
Yes. I think it is a good option to have.
font style is set to uppercase " italic "
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
I was writing code here and checking scripts and found in the script (/home/spot/.config/hypr/scripts/Wofi-record.sh) what needs to be added.
otherwise when taking a picture it captures the program window
to correct:
add on line 26 ' pic Full') grim ${PIC}/$(date +'%s_grim.png') ;; do this '
pic Full') sleep 1; grim ${PIC}/$(date +'%s_grim.png') ;;
add sleep 1;
Code: Select all
'📷 pic Full') sleep 1; grim ${PIC}/$(date +'%s_grim.png') ;;
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Hyprland for Void Linux
You can now update Hyprland through the xbps package manager by adding a mirror
You can add this repository to xbps's repositories by creating a file, /etc/xbps.d/hyprland-void.conf
with the following text:
Code: Select all
then run sudo xbps-install -Su
in a terminal and press Y
then Enter
notification:Before updating, create a backup copy
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free