Xorg.Conf Configured To Use Built-In Motherboard GPU

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Xorg.Conf Configured To Use Built-In Motherboard GPU

Post by jp734 »

I was trying the F96-CE_XFCE_FUSILLI and on first boot, I got a black screen. I did CTRL+ALT+BCKSPC to get to console. Ran "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and noticed it was configured to use intel driver for the built-in motherboard gpu and the BusID not commented out as well. Edited the configuration file using vi editor and saved then typed xwin and bingo, I got the gui screen using the nvidia card

Since F96-CE is based on FossaPup64, I thought I'd try Fossa as well and sure enough, black screen on first boot. Checked xorg.conf by doing the same process and it had the exact configuration. However, doing CTRL+ALT+BCKSPC did not help because vi and nano commands were not found which was surprising. So, there's no way for me to edit the configuration file manually (if there are other editors, I'm not aware of them yet and will be good to know). Running xorgwizard was no help neither because selecting vesa only changed the driver and left BusId unchanged.

The only solution I could think of was reboot the pc, create a save file if asked (which it did), boot pc using a working OS, mount the 4fs savefile, edit and save the xorg.conf file and finally reboot. And it worked. FossaPup gui screen.

Just wanted to share my experience for the devs as my contribution. Keep up the great work PUPPIES and THANK YOU! Your hard work and dedication are GREATLY APPRECIATED :thumbup2:

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