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Bash script to fetch and install Brave browser to /opt

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 4:53 am
by FloraMae

So, was bored and did a script.

This script gets the current latest release of Brave browser for amd64 and puts it at /opt/brave-browser and mods the launcher to include the --no-sandbox thing it wants to run as root.

Still need to do something about a menu item and maybe some checks and failsafes and such, but version one if anyone wants to mess with it/try it.

Code: Select all

## Brave browser fetch for Puppy
## Tested: Bookwormpup64
## Requires: bash, curl, jq, grep, head
## Version: 1

## Basic deps check
APPARRAY=(curl jq grep head)
function check_deps(){
    for APP in "${APPARRAY[@]}"
        which $APP > /dev/null 2>&1
        if [ $rc == 0 ]; then

		echo "deps not satisfied, please open script to verify"
        exit 1


## Get the latest url release
url=$(curl --silent "" | jq --raw-output '.assets[] .browser_download_url' | grep 'linux-amd64' | head -n1)

## Get it
wget -O './' "$url" -q --show-progress

## "install it"
mkdir -p /opt/brave-browser
unzip -d /opt/brave-browser

## make it run in root
sed -i '$ d' /opt/brave-browser/brave-browser
echo '"$HERE/brave" --no-sandbox "$@" || true' >> /opt/brave-browser/brave-browser