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can I use inxi to fetch system information and how to use root#

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 11:54 pm
by shinnen

I'm new to Linux and Puppy (Fossapup). A friend asked me to run inxi and send them the readout. How do I do that?
Also, is using root# the same as using sudo$
Any help is appreciated.
... john

Re: can I use inxi to fetch system information and how to use root#

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 1:12 am
by bigpup

:welcome: To Puppy Linux!

inxi is not a program that is in Puppy Linux.

For what inxi can do Puppy Linux uses the program Pup-Sysinfo.
menu-> System->Pup-Sysinfo

Under the different sections listed at the top of the program.
Any piece of information can be found.

What they display you can copy and paste to anyplace you like.

You do not say exactly what info you want to provide.

In Pup-Sysinfo.
Under file->Hardware reports or System reports
You can select to provide a report that has everything in it.

Re: can I use inxi to fetch system information and how to use root#

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 1:17 am
by bigpup

Puppy is setup as a single user root.

So, when you run Puppy, you are the root user, and can do anything in the file system.
Run any command.

Sudo is not needed.

If you want to run any command in a terminal.
just enter the command.
Press enter.

Re: can I use inxi to fetch system information and how to use root#

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 1:27 am
by bigpup

As someone new to Puppy Linux.

There are some good topics to read here:

Re: can I use inxi to fetch system information and how to use root#

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 12:51 pm
by shinnen

Thank you VERY MUCH for your help.

Re: can I use inxi to fetch system information and how to use root#

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 3:04 pm
by mikewalsh

@shinnen :-

Hey, nice to see you over here! Is this a "temporary" migration, or something more permanent..? :D

You're in good hands with m'colleague, bigpup; he spends a lot of time with the newbies. He won't lead you astray.

IF you specifically want Inxi, I've built it into a 'portable' application.....with a wee 'entry-box' for the -options. You can find this here:-

It's packed as what's called a ROX-app; this is an executable directory, and is a format peculiar to the ROX-filer file manager. Just download it; unzip it; move it anywhere you want, though outside the 'save' is recommended.....then just click on the Inxi directory.

A wee entry-dialog box will appear; enter your 'Runtime-options' here (like -Fxzzr, or whatever is asked for).......then hit OK. And up pops a terminal window with the requested info, which you can then copy/paste or do whatever you want with it.

Like this:-

[Click to enlarge:-]


Hope that perhaps helps.... Puppy has several 'home-brewed' apps for getting this kind of info, but I know many other forums specifically request that you use Inxi. Hence why I built the portable version; you can even run this from a suitably-formatted flash drive - not FAT32! - so it can be used with different computers (instead of having to install it separately in each distro).

Mike. ;)