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Remaster using remasterme2

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:20 pm
by wizard

Remastering Puppy with

Remastering is a Puppy feature that allows you to build all your added apps and customization into a new main Puppy .sfs file and/or ISO file.

A Remaster can be a way to archive, distribute or increase security of a customized Puppy,

Remasterme was first introduced in the Bookworm64 topic and has since been modified and tested on:
FossaPup64 9.5
BionicPup32 & 64
Dpup Stretch 7.5
Xenialpup32 & 64 (requires install of yad_0.27 or newer)

It may work on other Pups since its main requirements are these two programs:
-yad_0.27 or newer

Remasterpup2 has been included in almost all Puppy's, but has not been maintained, so just running it will not produce the expected results. Remasterme uses remasterpup2 to create a remaster that includes icons, desktop and background changes.

It requires the user to place the original Puppy ISO (must be the only ISO) and remasterme2 program in the same directory and then run remasterme2. No manual copying is required, just read and follow the on screen instructions carefully.

Edit 240420:
This method is meant to be used with frugal installs either on an internal drive or a USB drive provided the USB drive is writable.
-boot from the frugal install using the save file/folder with your changes
-create a new directory in /mnt/home, name it: remaster
-copy the original Puppy ISO and into /mnt/home/remaster
-run and follow the on screen instructions carefully

Comments and suggestions are invited.


Re: Remaster using remasterme2

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:01 pm
by Clarity

This looks like an approach for my use. But am curious of the environment when booting the PUP from Ventoy. Following OP instructions, I:

  • download the script to /root/my-applications/bin,

  • remove the '.GZ',

  • make the remaster2 executable

  • link it in the work folder where remastering is to occur along with the BKWP64 ISO file.

Remaster Scenario

  1. Boot Ventoy USB and launch BKWP64 ISO file

  2. It boots to desktop capturing its current save-session along the way

  3. changes made during desktop use; such as add'l package(s)

  4. Next want to capture current running system into a new ISO with all session info

  5. Folder created following the OP instructions on this thread

    Remaster attempt.jpg
    Remaster attempt.jpg (6.26 KiB) Viewed 1612 times
  6. I assume the the OP instructions means to execute "remaster2" versus 'remaster'

    wizard wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:20 pm

    ... then run remasterme. ...

  7. remaster2 script is executed

  8. Is the Ventoy partition the 'right' answer for this screen?

    Remaster attempt(1).jpg
    Remaster attempt(1).jpg (11.58 KiB) Viewed 1612 times
    Remaster attempt(2).jpg
    Remaster attempt(2).jpg (3.72 KiB) Viewed 1603 times

Advice requested

Re: Remaster using remasterme2

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:37 pm
by wizard


The remasterpup2 program writes to whatever work area you choose, but has no way to know that choice. That is why you must choose the partition you boot from as the work area, which means remasterpup2 will create it's work area in /mnt/home.

Have not tried remastering from Ventoy, but it is going to fail unless the save file/folder location is also identified as /mnt/home. You can give it a go, select the save file/folder partition as the working area and see if it works.

Also, I'm not sure that will work from symlinks to it and the ISO as shown in your post.


Re: Remaster using remasterme2

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:28 am
by wizard

Added additional instructions to first post.


Re: Remaster using remasterme2

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:08 pm
by Amol

Hello wizard !
Great idea.THANKS !!