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Which version of Puppy is currently good for programming?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:25 pm
by Eviehughes

Hello everyone
I was a new person. I want to install Puppy Linux on my Asus computer, for programming work. Which version do you feel is suitable for programming on my Asus device?


Re: Which version of Puppy is currently good for programming?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:11 pm
by rockedge

@Eviehughes :welcome: to the forum!

What type of programming are you interested in doing? It will depend on the language(s) what you will need to get started.

I use Puppy Linux F96-CE_4 at this time which is setup with the development package add-on Devx SFS loaded, which gives me a C compiler, git, cmake and PERL language components. Also set up are both Python2 and Python3 which did take some fiddling to get together on the same system.

The options are plentiful from web design PHP, HTML, NodeJS and probably with some tinkering get Ruby going. Haskell I just set up to test so that's an option. It really;y depends on what you want to develop.