ScreenLiner - draws lines on screen

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ScreenLiner - draws lines on screen

Post by MochiMoppel »

This is a little utility that was inspired by this user request and subsequently developed and discussed here

Primarily meant to create guide lines to assist in reading data tables etc., it can be used for other purposes, e.g. as a poor-man's screen blanker (just make the line thickness larger than the screen ;) ) or to create your own Mondrian

Other features
- in any available color and thickness
- multiple undo levels
- real-time length display, so it can be used as a measuring tool.
- ultra 'portable' - single script. Can be run from anywhere. Saves all line options to itself
- compatible with most Puppies

Have fun!
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Re: ScreenLiner - draws lines on screen

Post by greengeek »

Thanks for this utility!
Tonight I had to scan a multi page passport and had to use the "free rotate" function within mtpaint to correct misalignment of each image. (Before assembling into a PDF).
Being able to draw a vertical line on screen made it so much easier to see when I had chosen exactly the right angle for the rotate. (Mtpaint allows angle selection to 2 decimal places so it's possible to have quite fine control when you have a reference line...)

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