KLV-Spectr-sr1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.8.1_1
Kennel Linux Void Spectr Stable Release 1 is now available equipped with a Void Linux Kernel 6.8.1_1 installed: March 28,2024
Download ISO -> KLV-Spectr-sr1 750 MiB download size ↓
KLV-Spectr is a similar at it's core to KLV-Airedale and uses many of the same utilities but has the tiling window manager Spectrwm forming the desktop.
package and matching libraries have been removed and rolled back to version xz-5.4.6
Desktop design is by @Sofiya.
Using @geo_c 's Spectrwm configurations setup is provided by a SFS package loaded during system start.
This version has Grub4Dos and Grub2config to set up boot loaders