Sofiya wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:39 amreally an anomaly, but I won’t be surprised at anything, the further Arch gets worse, the size of the packages has become very large, and the other changes they made are also not very good.we'll survive this too so far Arch is not so bad
On the contrary, I like Arch more and more. Awesome, Hyprland... All this is interesting. But it will probably be better for beginners to study bspwm and sxhkd there "to warm up". Arch has a whole "industry" for creating beautiful desktops. Beautiful in the opinion of a certain circle of people, of course Characteristic attributes - "rice" and "dotfiles". But there are a lot of kawaii anime girls on desktop wallpapers. Too much.
And here, along with the funny name, you can see what "impudent youth does " with a graphic environment: Unixporn
I can sometimes switch there from MATE or JWM, but I don't work for a long time and go back. Who says I'm too old ?! All right, what are you talking about...
Here, for example, is a great project from our friend from Mexico. bspwm+Polybar+eww widgets. Nice ANSI graphics in the terminal. The most valuable thing there is a graphical menu for selecting themes on the fly. 15 different themes in one place. It is installed using a script, but only in Arch. The controls are designed for the keyboard, but also convenient with the mouse. There's even a jgmenu to replace quick launch via keyboard shortcuts.
I installed and checked it. It works fine on a real machine. In QEMU and when working with a flash drive - that is, Arch with the persistence function - not everything is so smooth. You may need to change the file system for the persistence partition of the disk to F2FS or Bcachefs... But I'm too lazy to talk about the nuances
The most valuable thing there is the opportunity to make your own design themes