VR screen image to link to fone/headset unit..
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:52 am
I have a fone VR headset, and want to watch my screen lying on my side [bum bedsores cure] on it. i'll need a split screen image to send. pls, is there an app or do i need to write something pls? 1/4 size and evenly abt screen center is ok, as fone can enlarge it to fill, if that's how it works.
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wayland? X11 - alternative does it, but i can't prioritize it's loading, and ppm only loaded one file. I'm lost, guide me pls..
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might be easier way, an app to convert browser image to vr? NB i do not know what to do, just need ideas to turn dreams into reality.