Step 6: The base installation with JWM
To really do more and not to be disappointed, you have to use a a bit longer "apt line" dependent of a choice.
Following line is good if the genial session's manager -> JWM <- is good enough for you:
Code: Select all
apt install refractasnapshot-base refractainstaller-base sudo deborphan info xorg menu jwm sakura > possible_step_6_in_case_of_JWM
After that step, if you do it, and are user and not superuser (Puppy users don't know the difference ) the system will record all your actions in the terminal Sakura or xterm (etc.! You need only ONE terminal! It is possible to remove the other ones excepted if you will use, later, -> slim <- , the minimal graphical login manager (you have now no graphical login manager! It is not recommendable to install it to early because if xorg refuses to work well, xorg is very sensible to kernel changes etc., it is sometimes very difficult to login again. If that happens, try to accede to one of the text mode consoles with CTRL + ALT + F1 or F2 etc. (idem in case of black/blue screen in the graphic session: login as root in the new text session and invoke reboot or shutdown -h now, and you save your file system!). The record of your actions in the terminal is to find in ~/.bash_history !
you can "nurse" (erase lines, repetitions, add with # your_comment in the lines helps for you (or other, but have to take care, that snapshot records this file ). This is a really easy way to take notes to progress in your installation and knowledge of the system, and, important, you can spare work as all lines can reappear using the key CURSOR-UP as you are in nude console! Instead cat, use nano or vi to modify it!
You can immediately install a little more, for example
Code: Select all
apt install refractasnapshot-base refractainstaller-base sudo deborphan info xorg menu jwm sakura l3afpad links2 grun > my_step_6_in_case_of_JWM
Excepted if you did try all above installation's proposals, we continue to be now in pure console mode! Before you enter into the graphic mode, spend a minute to check /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc ! And add a (new) line in it for -> grun <-! Later, you can start each other app (without options, adaptation of right, etc.) without to have to open a new terminal...
Code: Select all
su -
nano /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc
Don't forget exit!
Now, you have experience with that and do the same with /etc/sudoers ! If the system does allow that for nano, try the same operation with l3afpad .
(L3afpad is terrible writing! Change it:
Code: Select all
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/l3afpad /usr/bin/pad
Do that also with the other to long names you use frequently in sudo mode also in terminal! For example, browser (web), refractasnapshot (sshot), pcmanfm-qt (waoh!!! , a real name orgie! Take "fm", it is enough!) , abiword (txt). I egin to really hate all "qts" for this reason... until now, we did use in Linux a simple letter in front of a short name...).
If this is done and all is right, you can begin to optimize step by step your installation: I need soon a graphic (or not ) file manager but did not decide until now witch one il will use! Yes, rox? Or thunar (know by all users of Puppy's with XFCE4? Or pcmanfm (LXDE, LXQT, Extix, etc.)? Or nemo (my prefered one? Or konqueror (yes, it is more than browser!), Etc. It is not easy to decide. It's depend and mark how you work! But the size kann be very different!
Add one of those in front of the list (or at the end) and change the name after the output redirection:
Code: Select all
apt install refractasnapshot-base refractainstaller-base sudo deborphan info xorg menu jwm sakura l3afpad links2 grun rox > step_7_test_rox
but, as apt halts, answer N for (No, do not install now)
and compare
and decide!
I never erase the begin of the line: you see, apt understand itself, the begin is preinstalled... The is that line at the end the mirror of my (about complete) installation
and I can in ~/.bash_history erase the precedent lines and add after the comment sign -> # <- an adequate comment if I did do somewhat important to install more. For example add a private depository to use -> seamonkey <- from the depository of -> mozilla-build <- at -> sourceforge <-.
But, it is not enough!
Read Step 7: avoid to make an heavy usual full installation!