I posted this same question on someone else's similar topic -- and didn't notice it was for an old version of EasyOS -- so understandably there was no response.
Anyway, new to Easy, so sorry if asking questions with obvious answers......
I created a MS Win7 Aquemo VM container in Krkstone64 (laptop type in sig below). I did a fair amount of work in it. Then saved my session on leaving EasyOS (at the save prompt).
On rebooting Easy I see a container shortcut on the main root desktop. Container name is "aquemo.install" there's a little "1" on it and the other grouped icons around it. I assume that means an existing container is present. See screenshot from the desktop below.
If I click on that "aquemo.install" container icon, though, nothing happens.
If I click on the Kirkstone icon, a new container named Kirkstone opens.
Where is my earlier container and contents and work, and how do I get there? I assume it's supposed to happen when clicking the desktop icon for it......?