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I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:02 pm
by sparky1234

Hello all,
I have an Asus EeeBook X205, 32 bit, made around 2013-4. I have tried the BionicPup 32 ISO on the PuppyLinux site, plus all the new releases on the Sourceforge site (dated February 2024). I am trying to do a live boot from a USB drive, and have flashed the ISOs using Rufus. I have tried about 5 different ISOs, and nothing works. Either it simply does not boot, or I can't connect to WiFi, etc. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:18 pm
by sparky1234

Hi, I should add that the laptop says, "32 bit operating system, x64 based processor". Does that make a difference? Thanks.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:36 pm
by Clarity
sparky1234 wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:18 pm

Hi, I should add that the laptop says, "32 bit operating system, x64 based processor". Does that make a difference? Thanks.

That statement means that YOUR eeePC is a 64bit system which can run BOTH 32bit AND 64bit forum distros.

I have an eeePC that I wish I could donate as its too heavy, too slow, and its screen is really small and bad.

Answering your original question in your OP: I use Slacko v7.0 from the forum (either version will work...aka 32/64bit). You should be able to get to its desktop with little to no issues.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:49 pm
by ozsouth

@sparky1234 - Welcome to the forums! From your first post, we could work on whichever puppy booted, but didn't connect to wifi. That puppy needs a driver or firmware, which a couple of tests will determine.
When booted up, open a terminal (console), maximise it & run:

lspci -nn | grep etwork (that's a lowercase L to start with, & pipe symbol in the middle is often shift and \ keys)

then run:

dmesg | grep irmware

Then take a screenshot (prtscn key) or copy the output details & post here.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:18 pm
by bigpup

eeepc's are kind of different from other PC's.

There are several Puppy versions around the forum that were produced specifically for eeepc.
Not for your exact model, but good chance that is not a big issue.
More that it is for eeepc.

Here are a few of them:

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:27 pm
by sparky1234

Thank you, everyone, for all your help! I will give it a go.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:01 pm
by sparky1234

@ozsouth Thanks again. I got the x86-64 version of Bionic Pup to recognize the Wifi when I had a USB Wifi dongle plugged into the laptop. However, the connection dropped after a few minutes. The other issue is that audio playback showed as muted, and I was unable to turn it on. Thanks for all your help.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:43 pm
by mikewalsh

@sparky1234 :-

:welcome: to the "kennels"!

Pounds to peanuts Oz is right about the wifi firmware. Yes, eeePCs are different to most others.....but they're not THAT different. Most of the weirdness revolves around how tiny they were, and the ridiculous eMMC "hard drives" the early ones were "blessed" with.... :roll:

Re: the volume issue. If you hold the cursor over the volume icon, a middle-click unmutes it. You may need to right-click -> Full window, then check to see where the "PCM" level is set to. It may need cranking right up to 100%; it often does. Failing that, open a terminal, and enter first

Code: Select all

aplay -l

....followed by 'Enter'; then,

Code: Select all

arecord -l

.....again, followed by 'Enter'. Let us have the readouts from both commands in your next post, please. That'll give us some idea whether your sound card is even being "seen" by the kernel.

(To copy/paste from Puppy's urxvt terminal, just highlight the text you want to copy.....don't do anything else. To add it into your next post, once you've set the cursor in the right place, a middle-click will paste that text in for you.)

Mike. ;)

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:33 am
by sparky1234

Thanks for the tips.
Unfortunately, I have to give up on Puppy for the old Asus. I tried to play a Youtube video on the Pale Moon browser, and it could not load.
But thanks very much for all your help.


Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:20 am
by Clarity

Hello @sparky1234
Why not just run one of the many low-resource 64bit PUP/forum-distros across the forum on your eeePC? There are many very good forum distros, over the past decade, which will perform very well. (Your Asus appears to be about 15 years old.)

One that I remember that was fabulous on an eeePC, few years ago, was Fatdog v5 by Kirk of @fatdog team. Excellent.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:21 am
by bigpup
bigpup wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:18 pm

eeepc's are kind of different from other PC's.

There are several Puppy versions around the forum that were produced specifically for eeepc.
Not for your exact model, but good chance that is not a big issue.
More that it is for eeepc.

Here are a few of them:

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:28 pm
by cobaka

Hello @sparky1234 & woof

My eeePC
A friend gave me an eeePC. I installed 'Friendly' Pup on it. I run WiFi to the internet via a modem in the house.
Speaking generally, the "eee" is in my workshop - a metal structure not conducive to the reception of a weak UHF radio signal from the modem in the house.
It's about 15 or 20m between the moden and the eeePC. Response? I often watch YouTube videos while I work. Initial connection is slow, but after the videos play without interruption.

Installation: I'm confident I installed 'Friendly' using MikeSLR's 'manual installation using ROX'.
This will help: ... ROX#p46867

I find Mike's installation process vy simple. I used it many times, his description of the method is very good.
After you have done this once you will repeat the process without reference to the instruction.

If this will help I can see if I can boot the eeePC from a thumb-drive (as distinct from the HDD).
Good luck to you - if you wish to continue working on the eeePC.


Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:56 pm
by sparky1234

Thanks for the additional tips! I will give it another try.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:10 am
by Clarity

Hi @user1234
How much RAM does your eeePC have. If its 2GB or more, you can run just about any of forum distros as most should boot without much issues resulting.

Your BIGGEST problem will be WiFI. If you intend to use wired LAN, there will be no issues in your use.

I suggest use of Fatdog as it will be one of the speediest for that little machine.

Again, any distro you pick up from the forum should boot on that 64bit PC.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:53 am
by bigpup

I tried to play a Youtube video on the Pale Moon browser, and it could not load.

YouTube is constantly wanting people to be using the latest version of any browser.

You have to keep them updated.

The newer version of the browser will have the needed features.

The version of Pale Moon that is in the Puppy version ISO is not going to be the latest version.

See this topic:

There are other ways to run YouTube videos using special programs for this purpose that are not web browsers.

Re: I can't find a 32 bit ISO that works for my Asus EeeBook

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:36 am
by user1234
Clarity wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:10 am

Hi @user1234

Not following this thread, but maybe you meant @sparky1234?

I tried to play a Youtube video on the Pale Moon browser, and it could not load.

I tried it on my laptop with 2GB RAM, slow i3 from 2000s, crashed internal HDD, bad battery, bad fans, bad hinges connecting screen, booting from slow USB-2.0 usb, on Palemoon's newer version (I suppose v30.x). Surprisingly, everything including Youtube, Github, (to download @mikewalsh's Chrome portable), just worked fine on that version.

If this is an issue related to Palemoon not showing YT, maybe updating Palemoon is a choice.