One thing I've developed over the past couple of years is a set of mount/umount scripts and run them from Xfe file manager.
Rather than create the mount points in the script, I've simply created a set of mount points in /mnt that are empty directories then the script runs the mount/umount command. This way I never somehow remove a directory while still mounted. Though that shouldn't happen if the umount command precedes the rm directory command in a script, I'm a little too paranoid to run it that way.
Below is xfe showing a directory full of mount scripts on the left, and on the right all the mount points. The green folders with dots are mounted and xfe never fails to display them correctly, as long the /mnt directory is refreshed.
This allows me to run the same system in Pups, KLVs, KLAs, using JWM, Xfce, Spectrwm, bspwm, awsome, hyprland, etc. So it's a universal method. A few of those window managers I mentioned don't show desktop icons, so I would have to be doing it from a file manager of some sort like Thunar, Pcmanfm, or Rox, but I prefer Xfe for it's consistenency and functionality. I only need that one file manager to get everything done. It even comes with Xfi and Xfw to display images and edit text.