I heard about golden sneakers in the News today!

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I heard about golden sneakers in the News today!

Post by Tippe »

America now is:


America is really a funny country.

First the killed almost all Natives and after that they named their Helicopters "Apache" and Rockets " Tomahawk"

And from now on to eternity it will be called the Land of the golden Sneakers.

Sorry Guys, but my stomach already hurts from laughing. :thumbup:

This is so funny...

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Re: I heard it in the News today!

Post by sucuklu yumurta »


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Re: I heard it in the News today!

Post by puppy_apprentice »

Yep. I wonder if the next attack on the Capitol will be carried out by millions of people wearing GOLDEN SNEAKERS? GOLDEN SNEAKERS MILITIA?

Trump is in trouble with the law and wants to do the shoe business by the way ;)

The colour orange used to be fashionable in Ukraine (after the so-called Orange Revolution). Everything in this colour was fashionable.

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Re: I heard it in the News today!

Post by Clarity »

America is a model country for the world. Funny how the years 2016 (actually 2015 when American "talk-radio" invaded Europe leading to Brexit) to today has affected the world and governments behaviors. I feel we walked thru some sort of Magic curtail in 2016 and, now, cannot find our way back. The US is now the "Bizarro Superman" leading the planet into this alternate existence.

If America's version of Democracy falls (as some noted Billionaires want) their Constitution is trash and will be re-written in a similar fashion to what was planned in the 3rd Reich leading to a new caste system of qualifications of peoples.

And, many-many 'democratic' governments on the planet will be forced into re-evaluating their own country's framework in matching.

This leads to Elon Musk becoming its future leader with his current proposal to America's FDA with a newer proposal (in addition to the one already approved) expanding NeuroLink.

I am NOT a conspiracist although this probably sound like it, but, in reviewing mankind over the past 7 decades, this is a reality that I hope we never experience.

OK, time for me to return to reviewing the technical side in the forum and continue on the internet sites where directions are active in attempts to maintain the US with suggesting on how it can be a better neighbor to the world versus the divisions it has both internally and pushed externally to force fear in the world. There are websites are discussing, planning with suggestions, on saving the US from itself, with the directions of improving its internal behaviors and an opening toward embracing a different foreign policy approach with efforts to repair 2016-2020 activities demolishing trade and cooperation agreements.

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Re: I heard it in the News today!

Post by bigpup »


If you make it, they will come!

Sneakers sell out hours after launch! :thumbup:

Are you looking at this opportunity Ukraine?
You need money!

Time for a Ukraine sneaker :idea: :thumbup:

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: I heard it in the News today!

Post by spiritwild »

Well, I live right in the middle of America. About to vote for 2 senile old men.
One of which is a complete narcissistic clown. Sadly, many people are not familiar with that disorder, or America, it's history, their history, Reagan who?

shoes. trading, cards, coins. It makes me sick. He's a brand not a leader.
Go watch the videos of these trumptards. They have no idea what the civil war was even about, how it started, no idea that there were free black Americans
that fought in the same war.

I'm also sure that if their Jesus ran as a democrat, they would burn bibles in the streets. :shock:
As far as the constitution, it could never be what it was intended because the document itself has made it impossible.
It's interpretation in courts has historically denied people the rights it is suppose to protect them from.

The second amendment didn't interpret what it does today until the NRA got into politics
Seems more like the Bible, we can reference gods wrath on the wicked of Sodom and Gomorah but dismiss the part about Lot and his incestual relations. :roll:

After all, we had to exterminate our native people to be free from England's oppression. Now we live in excess and rise up as a political and financially oppressed people :thumbup2:

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Re: I heard it in the News today!

Post by Tippe »

By the way: the Germans are at lest as funny, as the Americans are.

At the World War 2 they killed millions of Jews and other People.

After the World War 2 they named/called their favorite laundry detergent: ARIEL! :lol:

What do you know?
Is there any more funny People/Countries in the World similar to that?

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Re: I heard about golden sneakers in the News today!

Post by Keef »

They are just a teensy weensy bit camp. Must be after the pink vote.

Make America Gay Again

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